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I know this game is not done YET but i really enjoy wasting my life playing this game =)


wishes more like STANDS

(1 edit) (+5)

I created an account just to say I agree


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.


Repeat more like Gold Experience Requiem




Time Erase or Timeline Erase more like KING CRIMSON

Stando Remanat, power to "Fuck with best boy Sissel" and "To piss off everyone" 

Ah i see


LIke my guy, its been a year since the last update. Rip T_T ALSO LOVE YOUR WORK #TEMPTATIONSBALLAD and #REPEAT


I can’t believe that he recreated the “he just left” meme


Is Sissel's run complete?




Mostly, its still pretty long and a damn good read, even if not finished. Same with Owens.

The fact that it isn't finished yet I played it for almost a full day makes me exceptionally happy. Althoigh I am looking forward to furture updates ^~°


One of the very few Erotic games where I genuinely wanted to keep playing for the story.  (It's only partially erotic, way more story heavy. I was duped, but I'm glad I was.) 

The writing here is astonishing. The art is always lovely. Each character is fun and enjoyable.

I'm not even into muscular guys and this game made them attractive due to its great dialogue and personality.

I will say this again, I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. Its a new concept I haven't seen before and EACH character has their own GREAT backstory.

I hope the creator feels better soon, they deserve the best. 


Same here, I don't like Furry very much but this game made me rethink about my decisions.


Easily the best VN ever by my opinion, it almost felt like cheating when I started Philips and Owens storys tho...




Shiro is going to continue Repeat sooner or later (I think early 2022) 

But right now hes kinda in a rut and this project is too depressing to work on for him right now

oh no, I hope he feels better soon, he really deserves the best


VERY MINOR SPOILERS: Gods, this was the first VN I played on this website, and I'll be honest? It was the best decision I've made so far. Sissel is such a wonderful character and he's so well thought out. And when we started digging more into his family life? Complete twist. Phillip is just a hilarious character to me, mainly because sarcasm is my weakness, but the more I read about him, the more I wanted to know. That glimpse of him when we got that pendant (I think it was a pendant) made my jaw drop. I Especially want to know more about the kids in the skating rink- 
And Owen. Omg Owen. Owen and his backstory so far with his mom just hurts me emotionally. Everything's confusing with him so far, but then again it's been left in the middle of his situation, so that'd make sense. But above all, our character? The reader? The way they react to the remnant, how protective they are of Phillip, Owen, and Sisell is admirable. We don't start off knowing a lot about how the player is like, but the more we read into it, I think I'm able to say that I do understand and relate to the player so much. I love how the character doesn't know everything like in a lot of VNs, and actually chips into these's character's lives bit by bit. It isn't overwhelming with info dump, backstories, things like that. It's pacing is awesome. Truly, credits to the creator for making this game. As much as I'd love for the game to be updated soon, I'm glad the creator is taking their time on themselves and focusing on other projects. The last thing we need is an amazing creator feeling bad while making this story. May they return with a better version of themselves soon enough. (Sorry for any grammar mistakes/my ranting. Wasn't even planning on writing this, but I couldn't stop myself)

- Solo :)


There's some sort of illusion with the remnant, whenever I see it, that sickly grin gets wider.



I really hope you get better

is the game done ? like.. happy ending ?

No it's just still on hiatus





Yes?: shittyrainbow6

(1 edit)

help this person is everywhere on itch


The creator put it on a hiatus because they themself were struggling with depression and it was hard working on this game

(2 edits) (+1)

well...this vn been on my mind i havent played it since the last yr , lowkey missing it so much..brought me tears but still love it. time to replay tonight. 

Miss sissel and owen.. 

Phillip too thats my bestfriend <3.

(1 edit) (+2)

Man, the game is good later on, and I know it’s because the author got much better over time, but the beginning’s still pretty bad…


The part where Philip just walks off and leaves Euca in the rain is funny tho

I'm willing to wait for however long until it's finished, I've already gone through my two favorite characters routes, or what there is for them anyways.. but I don't understand what the whole story is? What is a wish? Why do we no longer have a memory? have we been going through multiple timelines trying to accomplish our wishes?

(1 edit) (+1)

(Spoilers, pls the game before reading)

Euca, thinks Echo and other wishes are ghosts / ghastly like, but I'm pretty sure they're entities that form when someone has really strong wish.

The strength of that wish is proportional to the will of the wisher

Jinny has a very strong will which makes Halley extremely powerful

So powerful that with the help of a mystery person, she can rewind (I think) time.

I'm pretty sure she is only rewinding time to save Jinny, but she needs Euca if Halley plans to succeed

I think the reason why we have no memories is because Halley and the mystery person were rewinding too far back 

(I'm speculating btw, so there is a good chance I'm wrong)

Edit: I just thought

What if Halley rewinding time over and over again to save Jinny is her own wish?


Spoilers below

Aren’t most of those said explicitly? Also the Whishes seem mostly born from different kinds of wishes, Echo from a falling star, Phillip’s from a wishing well, the 100 cranes from, well, the 100 cranes Owen folded (y’know, that legend thing), Halley I think is a dying wish and the lady from the lake is either a mother’s wish or a dying wish as well (or both?). The remnant is probably a suicide wish, maybe it’s a corrupted Echo or Euca made another wish later; I’m pretty sure it’s his considering in Jinny’s flashback Euca is seen hanging and the remnant literally having a noose around its neck (considering time and memory shenanigans I’m not even sure wether or not either one is from this “timeline”’s past).

Where their strenght lies and its extent also seems strongly related to the means of their creation, like how Echo is stronger when there’s a meteor shower or how Cecilia’s is weaker away from her lake.

(2 edits) (+1)

Owen's wish is actually 1000 paper cranes 

But he miss counted and only made 999 Paper cranes and also the Paper cranes' name is Leila

And Bradley said they were a last breath or something like that


wait what the fuck, I never saw that, the hanging part

(1 edit) (+1)

Spoilers below

The hanging flashback is in Sissel’s route, I think?

Also Echo’s camera’s holder-thingy looks a lot like a noose as well, even more the more he’s damaged, thus why Echo and the remnant are probably the same wish (Euca probably wished to die or something when he was 6 and saw the falling star, thus why echo hopes he never gets granted) but with time shenanigans involved


To quote Echo to support this

"No seriously, Euca, it was a *really* stupid wish. I was inches away from punching you in the face."

Yeah it was traumatic

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Also, how do you put that many line breaks in a row without it being counted as just one?

Like between these two lines there’s 10, but it looks the same as with just 1 (I used the code thingy before but it looks ugly)

I'm on mobile 

The keyboard has a button that is similar to the shift key I think


(cries in desktop)


laughs in mobile


I'm basically about to vomit information at you that may or may not make sense.

Echo is Euca's wish, depending on the route you take, he gets weaker and weaker, whatever we're doing is either straying away from the path to fulfilling our wish, or the opposite and getting closer, so he would just disappear when we complete it. However, it could also be that since he refused to tell us what we wished for, which means he's consciously trying to avoid fulfilling the wish. Side note, when taking Sissel's route, after rewinding time, your will to fix the past is strengthening, so shouldn't Echo get stronger? 

Remnant isn't just a wish away, he has ungodly strength, but we never really know why he is there to begin with, we don't even know who brought him into existence. That being said, he wouldn't haunt the main cast in particular if it had nothing to do with it, so is he a wish Euca had made with a full throttle will during a low in his life? Is he the result of a really fucked up Echo, after avoiding his whole purpose, and remained after Halley rewound time, who is he even linked to?

Everyone has a wish guardian in one way shape or form, Remnant isn't directly linked to anyone, all he's shown the desire for is utter chaos, or.. or the truth, he's also shown minute kindness in giving someone what they want, even if it isn't always the best thing for the person


More game theory nonsense, sorry also Spoilers

your will to fix the past is strengthening, so shouldn't Echo get stronger? 

Euca doesn't even know what his wish was/is

And Echo doesn't want to tell us or complete that wish, so that's probably why he is not getting stronger (also is called a broken star)

we don't even know who brought him (remnant) into existence.

Remnant said he was created by Euca in Sissel's route, and Remnant also said that he finally granted Euca's wish, but Euca decided to go back

Is he the result of a really fucked up Echo, after avoiding his whole purpose, and remained after Halley rewound time, who is he even linked to?

I personally think Euca's wish was a death wish, like he was so depressed that his will to die was immense and that's when Echo was summoned, but since Echo didn't want to do it he got corrupted and turned into a Remnant. (Speculation) Quote from Echo

 "No seriously, Euca, it was a *really* stupid wish. I was inches away from punching you in the face."

Also they both have a similar Noose like string around their necks, but Remnant's doesn't have a camera attached, and Echo loses an arm in Owen's route like how Remnant has no arms. (More speculation)




Hello everyone 

Welcome to GAME THEORY

im a bit late to this but more than likely its a chain of wishes, jinnys wish would be to save the main character ( since you know) which would make it understandable on why halley can rewind time. the only problem im having is with the main character, all wishes symbolize their wisher in some way  (echo has a noose around his neck not sure about halley bur bare with me) this makes sense. but halley in the start of the game said something along the lines of " echo is a useless wish " and "he would turn into something vile" or something along those lines, even though later she confirms she doesn't keep her memories. but echo also confrirms that remnants are " dead wishes " so wouldnt that mean, in some shape or form the remnant is  the mc's " dead wish ". this would also imply that echo is going to (or already has) turn into a dead wish (since you know, grandfather paradox).

(2 edits) (+3)

This game contains perfect and interesting storyline, but I would like to ask a question, will Repeat add gallery, scenery or character's moods & action in next updates?


hiatus huh? crosses hands i can wait until 2022 (according to comment bellow's reply)

Let's just listen to the Kahoot music while we wait


what happened to the creator?


Depressed/anxiety, so taking another 6 months break on Repeat and continuing Temptaion's Ballad until then.


Seriously? :(


Yup Shiro posted it on twitter.


I'm sad to here that, but if it's because of his mental state, it's understandable.


Man, this was so short! I hope you update soon, because this was really freaking good! :3


Who's route did u played?


I played Phillip's, he's cute :>


Yup, Phillip route is the shortest and is interesting, probably the most darkest route out of the three. 


When Echo asks you what your wish is

Put Owen Cut Content 

It is a secret Owen route OwO


IDK how but apparently i accidently installed the windows version of many games *laughs until i cry emoji*


I just noticed that tthe reason why they were on Hiatus for working this VN is because this VN is very depressing?....

Awww... if only we can help in some way  :3


He has a Patreon if you want to help, you know.


Hope they will get rid of their depression soon and able to start Repeat again. :)

any chance when they're will be another update since you said you were gonna update sissles route 


welp i finally finnish playing temptations ballad and it's so great, but this month patreon update is still temptations ballad update, any news from shirokoi about repeat updates, especially about sissel update 


to summarize it 'said they were too depressed to work on a depressing project'

that's really a great and depressing way to summarize it lol, welp i still reallly hope the next update will be repeat update since i miss sissel so much lol.

(1 edit) (+1)

I absolutely love owen :3 (I need more of his route lmao)

Have to wait till next year :(


looking forward to Owen‘s route!

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

Upon replaying Sissel's route I can now confirm of how us, the player, dies when Jinny tells us about it. I'm now curious for how it got to that point...


Dude, spoilers!


I'm sorry ;-;

Hey, shouldn’t you edit it then?


They're wasps you uncultured swine! ... I died. xD Plenty of zingers and slapstick in it.

Finished Sissy's route to current completion and I just... man. I love it.

Having played Temptations Ballad before this and having thoroughly enjoyed the writing style, I am so glad I gave Repeat a try!

Now to try out the other two boyos!


stop harassing the rich

being rich has made you WEAK

man im dead

I'm enjoying this so far! I tried Philip's route first, but sadly it didn't go too far until I reached the WIP screen. I went to Sissel's afterwards, and it's pretty nice so far.


Not me crying over a fictional rabbit in a furry game


Happens to the best of us🥴

Fully me crying over a rabbit in a furry game

who is the person in white in owens route

we don't know about that yet and I don't even know if we will see who it is so...


i love a good  mystery character 

that person reminds me of gray fox from metal gear solid

Right lol im really curious to see who it is 

but i do kinda have a feeling I know who it is 

im probably wrong XD 

let me hear it

SPOILER WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( just in case sense i dont really know it does have spoilers)

alright XD i think its owen's mom sense they dodged the bullet 


This stuff is for degenerates


man literally made an account just to hate on a game aiteee


If it's not for you, then it's not for you. Nobody is making you play the game.  If you have enough time to make an account just to post this, you have enough time to be doing something productive.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

I mean you’re here too so👺


*Gestures to Adastra*

This is brilliant.

*Points at Repeat*

But I fucking adore this.


Ah I see you are a man|woman|toaster strudel of culture as well


They might also be a crow seeking revenge on the ravens you never know


Of course how could I forget


way better than Adastra

Deleted 1 year ago

Holds tongue*


For this new story I read the other one it was fun then I pay this it gave me emotional and worried about Owen family. Very great story Shirokoi you doing great and one more thing my favorite in this story is Owen my best hot buddy and I have relate to Owen he love orange same as me love that and both Leo gang here.Then my next one is Sissels very adorable.My last one is the  hot man butler Samuel very nice guy to take care Owen when he was little and a handsome guy to be a butler.That all for today I hope you have a great day Shirokoi.


Yup Owen is the best boi 😉

Is the next update Sissels finished route


Yes Shiro will finish Sissel route Part B in next 6 months.

Need more of that sweet bean in my life.


unfortunately the creator said on their twitter that writing about depression while they themselves are struggling with it makes their mental worse so theyre going to just work on temptation's ballad for now


Update when?

Might update any day now he says he wants to spend 6months on this and 6 on his other visual novel a year. I give it 3-5days before one of them gets updated.

someday in this month

(1 edit)

I downloaded the android apk and unlike other visual novels it doesn't want to install the app, it stages it then after hitting install it says "the app was not installed"

Edit: may be my phone's lack of storage space honestly, next couple novels I tried didn't install either, then only after clearing a bunch of space did one finally install

Mine's works fine though :(

same as sam i used the mobile version and i also used the desktop

the apk file might be broken.

Woah it's you!!


From YT

oh. ok


Yeah its the phones storage cos i have to delete apps and files to get these VNs


I pray for Jinny 🙏🏻


the way that no one talk about phillp is so sad smh


Can't wait for more updates ^^

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