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Philip my love <33 I havent played this game in a while and im pretty happy its slowly coming back

(1 edit)

Istg Owen be doing shit on purpose 😭😭


hey quick question when will you continue Sissel route if you don't mind me asking

(2 edits) (+2)

I think I just glitched my LIFE!  I found a way to.....over play Repeat😭😭😭 and now I think I know what Echo's 'center' is.  This is resetting the ceiling of my ugly-cry lol. 

I came for the smut (😏hehe) stayed for the story 🥹 (then a few more rounds for the smut, story, etc.) I'm not the same person I was before this VN and given the chance I'd do it again.

[edit] fml, just hit the part where Echo is telling the story of how he came to be and I'm increasingly certain of the PC's unfulfilled wish (and 10 times worse off for it😭 ). This story is beautiful. If my guess is wrong--which I fervently do hope--

This is a wonderful work of art, shirokoi. Thank you.

Go try adastra I'd you want your world broke instead of glitched

(1 edit)

shoot adastra (or any echo project),password,four letter word, and then burrows if you really want it broken


The music...why i feel deja vu

you don't even know how i can put this into words but your game is so FUCKING GOOD YOU CANT SAY ITS NOT!!!!!!

How close is the game to completion?

Do you have any plans to produce a Korean version?

(1 edit)

i cant play the new update it just gives errors when i try to load a save

This happens with a lot of stuff that uses renpy, if you start new it will probably work but your old saves are probably a lost cause.


Omg I should have read that Sissel is the closest to completion 😭 I started with Owen and now I feel like I'm way to invested to just switch over right now😭😭😭



Jinny, is one of the lights in the darkness. I really hope she gets a good resolution to her "problem". 😥


After two years im so exited for new updates, especially the new sprites sure I'll miss the old ones but the new ones look amazing and I'm exited to see them,  I'll just have to wait since I'm not a follower on patreon but who cares REPEAT IS COMING BACK <3


Hey is there any more secret in the type your wish thing with echo at day 5 after 

"Owen Cut Content" Samuel sex scene

Or maybe in at when you type to sissel in his route 

Since i heard rumor there is some in the past there is some things like that

Source ukekooki playthrough his streaming chat said it, of course he's not get anything after input the words his chat said

But it's make me thinking is there really like that at least in the past 

ok can someone help me do the NSFW scene with Samuel? I did the wish part. Did I need to type something when i got the prompt to tell owen something?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, there is an NSFW scene with Samuel. HOWEVER, it is of Shirokoi's old art direction which they are not proud of, and the route itself containing it is non-canon, hence the upcoming name.

When you get to the wish scene where you type out your wish, write out: "Owen Cut Content".

(1 edit)

Hi, I'm having trouble with updating both of the repeat and temptations ballads visual novels. I'm a android user and the previous updates nothing was wrong, but now when I download the new versions it tells me that it can't be updated because of "a conflict with a package". I'm so excited to play the new content, if I can't or have to start from zero, I'll cry.

Returned after over two years. I don't know if people were dealing with that cliffhanger on Owen's route for over two years but that is villainous behavior if so

(2 edits)

The APK versión is up ? Because i download the last versión of it but is the ending the same as the update before this update

Update 0.7.5 is currently only available to Patreon supporters.


I know this is a strange question, but will you be continuing the story of Repeat? I saw you updated it 12 days ago and wanted to know if it was the final update or if there will be new things added.


Hi, i'm not shiro himself, but i think he'll likely proceed on it since he even stopped the progress on his other VN wich is great btw, to work on his previous main project as we know is Repeat and i think we should give him more credit, the Citizen spent all this time working and detailing 200+ sprites for more smooth and enjoyable experiences..sure that people mostly dont like the change but thats a little if receiveing the whole thing Brand as new, sorry if ran out of the subject and hope i managed to awnser-


Thanks. Honestly I welcome the change. It means he is showing how he has improved thanks to temptation's ballad. 

I don't want to seem narrow-minded by saying this but I'm really hoping that shirokoi will still be able to continue his work on his current visual novel "Temptation's Ballad" following along next to whenever time he might be able to use to update his first visual novel "Repeat" as well only if of course time can be split evenly enough for him to being able to continue work on both and/or either one of those projects of his fairly if whatever kind of schedule he might follow could allow a little leeway for him to do that at all that is.


Hi @shirokoi , what's up? I want to discuss some things concerning your baby, your main attraction, Repeat. I, don't care too much about a slight updates on a story or some sprites you add time to time, but... Shiro, can I ask about the original/old 2020 version of Repeat still be available to go through without a current overhaul of changed dialogue, extra CGs, new character sprites, maybe something else. I don't like the updates you bring slowly in these past  months. Maybe for some like Owen and Sam it works, but for Sissel, Phillip and dear God Jinny it DOESN'T, AT ALL. They lost their old caricature looks, which seem odd sometimes, but they make those characters distinct, unique, approachable and cute (Sissel, our sweetie pie). And I actually very fond of dialogue with koala jokes and other hilarious stuff - this is one of a few things that made me intrigued and get into continue reading your game. I like some additions of a new expressions of mains here and there with mix of your old take on character design and semi-current one you use nowadays for art works of various genre, but that's it - bits of new sprites. Do you think, can a continuing Sissel's, Owen's and maybe Phillip's paths updates be workable with a 2020 version of Repeat ( I don't know the actual name of it, sorry 😅)? 


No, I will not be maintaining the sprites where all the characters still looked like children. Maintaining 2 sets of sprites will also become a nightmare now that there are more new sprite expressions than old ones. There were some old sprites expressions (especially on Owen) that I actively avoided using because the art was so off-model. I spent months overhauling the 200+ sprites of Repeat and I will not drop them simply because a handful of people dislike the change. 

And if you actually played through the game, you would know that half the koala jokes are still in there. Please actually give the changes an honest chance instead of dismissing them outright. You have no idea how demoralizing it is to work months on the overhaul only to be spammed with messages like these. I have half the mind to just drop Repeat and go back to working on Temptation's Ballad on my worst days.


Ok, I'll check everything up. I just have a bad habit to don't except some changes vary from nonsensical to radical. Wish you all the best, have a nice day with some hot tea and sweets and all that 😊

Deleted 1 year ago

I just finished Owens route. I hate that it just stops there, it's really great. Thank you so much for this amazing work


I was just checking for fun because I was on itch but didn’t expect to see an update. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! THIS IS MY FAVOURITE VISUAL NOVEL THANK YOU! I also got lucky cause tomorrow I got a free day to play ☺️

I've been checking for updates on this game for over a year now and I honestly had a spit take in the realization that it was updated


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/day3.rpy", line 198, in script

    show sissel surprised with shaking

Exception: Parameter 'new_widget' is not known by ATL Transform.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/day3.rpy", line 198, in script

    show sissel surprised with shaking

  File "renpy/", line 1443, in execute

    renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired)

  File "renpy/", line 1684, in with_statement

    return, paired, clear=clear)

  File "renpy/display/", line 2762, in do_with


  File "renpy/display/", line 3325, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3676, in interact_core


  File "renpy/", line 462, in __call__

    raise Exception('Parameter %r is not known by ATL Transform.' % k)

Exception: Parameter 'new_widget' is not known by ATL Transform.




Sat Oct 29 11:58:43 2022



Thank you for the report! Expect this bug to be fixed in the next patch. For now, it can be bypassed by just pressing "Ignore."

Will there be an available walkthrough to purchase ?

where can I put error codes? I got a big one somehow...


I got an "An exception has occurred." upon kicking Dolores in the balls, 10/10

While running game code:
  File "game/day3.rpy", line 198, in script
    show sissel surprised with shaking
Exception: Parameter 'new_widget' is not known by ATL Transform.

Pressing the ignore button worked for me and it may work for you too


I've only just started re-reading Repeat, but WOW! :o Xou've done an AMAZING job with redrawing the sprites~! n__n I did a quick comparison with the previous version and I can hardly believe the difference! xD Thank xou SO much for reviving this masterpiece! :3 Imma enjoy reliving the feelings it brought me when I 1irst read it~ \>__</


Oh, I forgot that this VN on my reading list. I'm glad that I followed this....

Let's try it!


Finally...It's Here...

(1 edit)

What do i do im downloading android version and it keeps saying not installed and conflicting with an existing package

Delete the game and download again  it works for me

i tried that didnt work ill try it again tho thank you :)


I almost hate you for making this visual novel so good it distracted me from everything else....

Almost....great job on this, really.

(3 edits)

my old saves are still there and i think i screwed up the game when i tried to delete the old saves

i would love to start fresh again. does anyone know how to start fresh again because ive been getting so many error messages throughout the playthrough? ;w;

Clear app data?




Deleted post

Can't wait to fight more wish/stands users!!!





Greetings, individuals likely logging on in hopes of seeing a new update. I come here to bring you news. Read the writing below and get your fill, I insist... No, I demand you do so, it'll be worth it. 

Development is NOT dead, worry not. In fact, new story content is being worked on at this very moment. Shirokoi was doing an absurd amount things at once, including, but not limited to: Working on his other VN in order to alleviate his burnout from endlessly pouring his time into Repeat (also a great VN, check it out, it's called "Temptations Ballad"), reworking ALL of Repeat's sprites (over 200+, an arduous, and VERY time consuming process), replacing old CGs to accommodate the updated stature of the new character sprites (also an incredible amount of work that most take for granted), typo/bug/code passing the ENTIRETY of the game's script (which is gargantuan, mind you, and an ever-ongoing process as more of the game is released), having what was meant to be a small-time side job morph into a full-time investment that consumed extraordinary amounts of his time and energy for some odd months (thankfully it's over as of a few weeks ago), and coming down with sickness near the beginning of September that involved a dangerously high fever, difficulty breathing, and going to Urgent Care, which lasted throughout practically the entirety of the month. (Thankfully he seems to have recovered as well as he possibly could have.) Also, a brief side note... his pages have not been updated for a while, and showcase some old writing and character sprites not wholly representative of the VNs in their current status.

If you are STILL unsatisfied with everything provided in this comment so far, the best alternative I can provide is to tell you to support his Patreon page ($3/month, lowest tier), and get access to the Discord channel, that is filled with some lovely people where you can ask [respectful and tactful] questions, have early access to future updates, get more insight in regards to the state and development of the project, and support Shirokoi all at the same time.

In conclusion... it has been an absolute mess as of this year for the poor guy, but let it be known, that he has by no means forgotten his projects. You don't work on something for ~5 years (maybe longer, I'm not fully positive), and simply forget about it, that is a silly idea to humor. With the mountain of obstacles finally over (for the most part), development can finally resume, and it is in fact, doing so.

And with all of that said, I hope I was able to put some of your minds at ease. I love this VN as much as you guys, and I also want to see it completed one day.


happy to know that shirokoi is still updating repeat, thanks kind stranger and shiro.

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