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Is there information of some of the charcter's heights, especially taller ones like Marrow and Sidd?


First time playing, gotta say I’m loving the flawed but relatable and fun characters here. Also, as a hot dad connoisseur, Grank and Marrow are so ridiculously hot. Thank you for the food~

Replaying the game after a long while, found that the character sprites keep overlapping often, not sure if this is a bug but I doubt it's intended! Love the game by the way, an utter gem!

Thanks for the report! It's an issue that happens when skipping through dialogue quickly that cancels out animations mid-transition. I haven't quite found a solution for it yet qwq

Could you let me know where in the story this happened? A screenshot with dialogue will be enough. Also let me know if you used the skip/ CLTR button at any point! I'll try and figure out a work-around in the meantime ;w;/

Sorry for late response!
It happens throughout a lot of sections of chapter 1, but I think it started when they arrive in Rotten Redd's Alley. So far nothing of the sort encountered in chapter 2.
I can't exactly remember if I skipped at any point, especially since I was doing a full reread of the game. However, knowing I have a habit of skipping with other Ren'py VNs (that I'm less invested in), I wouldn't be too surprised if I used it a couple times.
Hope that helps!


You know, from all the furry VNs i played so far,  this vn is the one that i enjoyed reading the most! The characters, the humour, the story. I LOVE IT! One of my favourite characters gotta be sidd's mom.  Might try  reading the other vn you made. Excited to know more of the story! 


i have played repeat and omg it was actually so good, like the story of mental health struggles in it is amazing

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also shirkoi if you do read this, just wanted to say this visual novel is my personal favorite out of all the ones that are popularly known: Echo, FbtW, Adastra, etc. Maybe its because of Vivian Jade or the way comedy clashes well with the gay writing lmao. Keep up the good work and i wait for the next great update. Sincerely, Jack Suzuki (not my irl name, just a fursona)

**Minor Spoiler**

PS: Totally calling it rn but Artemi x Maeve. Idk their energy just kicks well and it would be a good arch for Artemi: Church life to real life lmao.  Also Sidd is the favorite character for me. Nerdy but buff and pretty much the greatest fighter in Axia? He is best boy. Sheriff Wes is a good second (he needs some lovin lmao).


I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed a sex scene about sidd x calder and a lot of sex a lovey dovey scenes of sidd x cole

(1 edit) (+2)

honestly i see a romance or bromance together. despite their differences, i see sidd x calder more than sidd x cole. coles has to find his own path of truth fr


from the little i played i can already tell the story is going to be great

Is there a reason why Artemi has more defined lineart than Sidd, Cole etc? For the record I think both the rough and clean look pretty


I'm currently in the process of refining all character sprites in the game. So far in the public build, Artemi, Wes and Grank have been hit with the HD ray. Expect more character art to get refined as updates roll out!

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I can smell Sidd x Calder happening


Honestly same. I was just thinking about it, lol. Despite their different backgrounds, Sidd x Calder can totally happen. (:


Sidd's just slowly pulling everybody by being a sweet and good boy uwu

its the himbos harem. bad curse for straight guys but for sidd? its exactly what this buff nerd needs. MEN! or someone in his life fr


Cassius: [Time Stop]

Me: What am I thinking of???





i literally need to see sidd and cole become a thing in future chapters, its killing me not knowing whats coming and how long its gunna take 😭


I was vouching for Cole and Clyde








ill patiently wait for the next update...

(1 edit)

I like those rearrangements of Cantopop.  Still figuring out Artemi's theme though. lol

Deleted 79 days ago


Deleted 79 days ago

Gotta love it

Deleted 79 days ago
Oh how I dread this screen... Gives me an excuse to catch up on other VNs, but still...

I know right?, any good fvn reccomendations? (read Repeat, this ofc, Echo, Adastra, Arches, The Smoke Room, Tennis Ace, and more stuff i cant exactly name atm.)

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Dawn Chorus are Komorebi are really good ones! All others I would recommend are already on your example list :P

(You do have to pay for Komorebi, unfortunately. It's money well spent, but a bit pricey compared to most Visual Novels.)

Also if you're fine with less spicy VNs, Promises to Keep is a good one! Not too far into it, but I can already tell I'm gonna like it.


Lust Shards?

tavern of spear


Me watching the interactions between Cole and Wes:

I wanna see em smash.... I wanna see em smash... LET ME SEE EM SMASH!



(Can you tell I haven't checked up on this project in a few years? Lmao.)

(2 edits)

How did I just notice that one of the tracks of background music is a piano cover of Gus the Theatre Cat from CATS lmfao


Mini episode suggestion: where Mr. Shrikewood and Cole burning a whole school and beating teachers ☠️

(1 edit) (+1)

I support this idea




ms girl it could be just folded


I tried rewinding it and speeding it up again and again to see if it fixed the crooked image, but it just kept ROTATING MORE hahahaha

I love this, idk why, but I feel like I should report the bug anyways


I just wanted to say I LOVE the foreshadowing in this. The thing with the crown, Calder finding Cole instead of Marrow, the (redacted) hiding as a (redacted) in the crowd, Artemi being worried being stripped of her status as well... I hope we get more info on Sidd's dad soon too. His genes are strong in his kid. After so many fvn dating sims, I'm just so glad to be reading just, a compelling story

(5 edits) (+3)

Slight spoiler to latest update:

Okay first, i know it is just ment as a funny joke ,a throw away gag....but am i  the only one who finds the fact that Artemi was ready to accept a proposal from a noble she barely knew for more then two days slightly concerning. xD


So... is there gonna be an Artemi route? (Sorry, I need to ask)

Not likely considering its seems to be pretty much complete m/m.

Kinda like the other VN repeat the Shirokoi made which is only m/m.


Not to mention it's fairly linear and doesn't even seem to have routes like a dating game would. It's just a story and it's great

(1 edit) (+1)

and that's so sad, because I would love the option to date Clyde too but the story is headed towards the badger probably...

anyways, it's a really good story tho!


I feel like Clyde's heart is gonna break again since he still loves Cole but I'd rather that than throwing away Sidd/Cole since it's a development that we actually see. Though imma be honest... Relationships feel like the C plot for this novel and shouldn't be in the spotlight, but that's just me

I like where its going, im in for it to see whatever happens!


love the way Cole helped work with Sidd to allow him to read without dyslexia getting in the way! :D


Love this, genuinely had parts where I teared up, definitely one of the best visual novels I've played. Quick question, what's the name of the audio that plays here. I wanna save the audio because I love how it sounds.


he yeah it was so cute to see how much Cole cares about SIdd . the audio is called sidd-theme you can find it open the TB  open the Game folder and than the Audio folder should be file 72 hope i was able to help you


It really did! Thank you! I also agree with you, I like seeing Cole care about Sidd so much

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i am glad i was able to help you . idk if you also play repeat but in case its the same as with TB there also is a Audio folder with all the music files . haha yeah i hope the both become more . i also think we will see a turn in the relationship of Cole and Calder later.

wish you fun to listen to all the beautiful  music

Spoiler i guess:

i think Calders grandpa also is Coles in the end of Capter 3 you see a family portrait  with i am preety sure about it ( but its only waht i guess) Gaius in the back Calders Mom in the front another Hyena on the left (you look at the portrait) and another person/Hyena who i think it could be Marrow . as we know Marrows sister  died and also Calders mom .Marrow named his Axe ( translation: sisters voice ) Calder tells a bit about his uncle and  Gaius seems to have an interest  into Cole as the meet in the Tavern. and it would fix the Rumor of Marrow once was a nobel/member of a nobel Fam and leaves his home since Gaius /his Father seems to be/was an asshole and it would also explain why Marrow dont realy like magic , so i bet my ass on it . Calder is Coles Cousin


I'm nearly finished T.B (Tempation's Ballad) and I do plan to play Repeat as well. Plus I figured that was the case i the relationship between the Hyenas

(1 edit)

ah i see and wish you a good time during you play Repeat . i guess we will see how it wil turn out with T.B moving on , also could imagine Calder as a part of the "party" since he is/would be the Offensive Magic  guy  so Cole would be the Magic support . Sidd the warrior and Artemi the Knight/magic one and thinking about older Role play games like FF the adventure Party most times had Four Members but like i say i guess we will find out a soon as T.B story moves on . i wish you fun and a good time play the rest of T.B and with playing Repeat 

(1 edit)

Yeah! This honestly one of the most heartwarming scenes in TB, I really love seeing Sidd and Cole's dynamic, it's so nice to see them warm up to each other!

To answer your question, most of shirokoi's character themes are inspired by chinese songs. The song that plays during this scene sounds very similar to 爱情转移 or Love Transfer by Eason Chan. Hope this helps!

i love this VN and for me it has the same place in my heart as Repeat everything is a 10/10 i just love how you just play / read throw it and just dive into the world and also how every charakter grows ( in many ways XD) also loved the new update and cant wait for more . a BIG THANK YOU for creating those wonderfull Novels and storys for us . wish you the best and like i say cant wait for more updates 


the cover art showing each of their weapons/tools is NIIIIIICE.

slight spoilers.

Artemi's shield, and Sidd's halberd are real weapons, And Malus being there, representing Cole's weapon is something I wanted to point out. Also I just realized, if Cole wasnt playing his lute, it would probably have been their either in place of or with Malus.

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I've played Repeat and I loved it but I'd never really given a try to this VN, till today and it's sooooo good. I can't believe I've been missing out on this great story and spicy NSFW scenes!

10/10 every MLM furry must play ! OwO


Honestly, I'd argue non-m/m people should also read this. You can skip the nsfw stuff too. Plus, f/m on-screen scenes have been around forever, they can handle some risque m/m scenes if we can sit through those


please help contribute to the fanwiki


Are you back to updating this game?  This has probably been my favorite vn of all time so i randomly came back to check on it. Hyped if so! im gonna reread it either way lol. love how much personality it has


Time to check this one out. I just finished Repeat, and I'm hoping this game is on the same standards of making me cry as Repeat was. I'll come back to you guys after I finish this one.


I've tried alot of VN's before, and i have to say this one is so far the best. Took me exactly a Week to finish the first 3 chapters, the amount of entertainment and emotions i've got during this Week were amazing! Can't wait for chapter 4! Tho I would love to see a more romantic relationship between the two boys in the future. Guess that is the only part where i would have hoped for more. Otherwise great Novel!


This game is just perfect. Especially in terms of story. Didn't expect such deep lore but it is AMAZING. And I hope you're gonna add more to this game very soon. I started playing like a week ago and I'm completely addicted.  And out of all the story and visual novel games I've played, this game got me in tears. Their struggles couldn't have been more relatable than this. I'm looking forward to see this game getting finished, good luck! Also, a question, have many chapters are you planning to make in total?


Thank you for the kind words! I'm planning around 12 to 15 chapters for the entirety of TB's story, but that's kinda subject to change as the project progresses.

Hey, kinda stupid question but are you releasing updates by chapter or by piece of chapter? or does it just depend  [kinda found this vn after it got updated to the state it is in rn, aka after graphics overhaul; basically got kind of hooked on this one because it's so cool, all the characters fulfill some kind of role and all, the main cast is so wow in general]

I'm currently releasing updates bit by bit, optimistically aiming for once every 1.5 months or so, though smaller updates may come out faster. 



I absolutely ADORE this game, it is already my favorite visual novel despite my hunch that it isn't even CLOSE to being finished. I would go into extreme detail about what I love with each character and the scene progression, but this is not the place to write spoilers, so I'll stay general.

First off, the game's concept and plot are amazing thus far. I LOVE your spin of the D&D medieval trope and how fluidly you execute clever comedic points along with serious moments as well. The creativity behind so many of the scenes within this novel is baffling, and a few also got me close to crying a few times. 

Every character is unique and developed so that their actions make sense, making emotional moments that much more powerful, it even makes the humorous moments funnier as well. There are also so many adorable moments that I still cannot get enough of.

A little more specific, but the parental influence and relationships are all incredibly executed. You have it down to a T for certain parent-child dynamics and how it affects the child. I recognize your dedication to this part of each character's development very gratefully.

I am so so thrilled about the resuming of this vn's development, I have been eagerly waiting for it since the pausing for Repeat's focus. Shiro, you have an incredible story going here that presses all the right buttons, and I look forward to future updates.


Do Cole or Sidd have subclasses?

The Chapter 1 character glossary doesn't include the subclasses, unlike the ones from chapter 2 and 3

We know Artemi is a Tempest Domain Cleric and Oath of Devotion Paladin, even though it isn't mentioned in the glossary


Sidd and Cole haven’t trained or delved too deep into their Fighter/Bard classes, so they haven’t committed to a subclass yet. This will change as the story progresses.

Have you considered making a completely SFW build/version of the game? I wanna recommend it to people but it's kinda hard when it has so much gay sex

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I mean, so far in the 150,000 word script there are a total of 3 sex scenes, all of which are skippable and I even made the effort the add character moments in those scenes. 

I understand that not everyone is comfortable with sex in their media, but not all media is made for everyone and that’s okay.


I understand, it's just that I feel like I'd die of embarassment if I recomended this to people and I really want to!

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Then perish! 

from embarrassment!


nah but seriously it is skippable, which is actually a cool little mechanic 


one of my friends recommended me The Boys. There's probably more wieners in that than this lol

The amount of nudity and sex scenes in modern media would dwarf the few scenes we have here 😂 they'll be fiiine


Hey, man, I was wondering if the work is back up to date? I have only recently come across this work and have finished the second chapter. It was really good, but I was disappointed to see it down to the last chapter. I really love it and would love to see it updated. Anyway, thank you for letting me read such a beautiful story.

Sorry, English is not my native language, I hope the translator did not misinterpret my meaning.

I think that the developer just finished the first route on their other game, "Repeat" ( I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend playing it!), and I think they have shift their focus over to this game for the time being! (not 100% sure tho)

I think he did say that he's going to work on TB for a bit more and  pushing out updates  to this VN (I think that's what I really remembered?) so yes it's kinda back from hiatus and back up to date

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