I love the story in you games like i am not really one to tell a friend hey go check out this thing that has porn in it but is optional and just stay for the story but hot damm you are an amazing writer and an amazing artist
Btw i would do patreon for you but i have no money and currently playing on a laptop issued by my collage so after the year i wont be able to keep playing but i can tell you got this in the bag.
OK but like wow, this is ranking high on my "come for the porn stay for the story" list. 10. characters are great and cole, sidd and artemi have the best relationship
Thats a bit cruel to keep extending it tho? Shouldn't it be a complement that people like your work so much? I'm mostly satisfied with waiting for repeat to update cuz your working on this and I like this just as much.
I love this Vn, I have fallen in love with Cole, I love his way of being, Sidd is a sweetheart and he is very charismatic, and Artemi is not ready for the outside world. Hamish is not bad at all, he is very handsome. Excellent work, I look forward to the next update.
So far from what I read, I love this VN! The main characters are so precious ;w; Cole is me XP, Sidd is gay panic but so cute, and Artemi is an adorable child that must be protected from sinnnnn
One thing I noticed is that Cole and Clyde have some sort of romantic relationship in the past and I'm kinda curious how that went down (possible update that goes through their relationship in the past?). I really do hope by the end they get together after Cole starts becoming more true to himself, tells his dad (Who's a fucking dilf step on me pls owo) about his magic, and finds peace with val. Same goes for Artemi and Sidd! Artemi finally proves to herself and mother that she too can be an amazing chosen she was meant to be, and Sidd being able to be the adventurer he wanted to be to help his parents while also accepting the fact he's gay and simps for Cole lol. I have a feeling they're each going to go through some life changing experiences as their journey goes which I'm honestly excited to see and experience!
All in all, I can't wait for the next update! This is up there with adastra for me as one of my favorite VNs in terms of story and characters ;w;
P.S. that conversation Cole had with Sidd about his dad getting so many fan mail wanting Marrow to step on them is hilarious XD especially since I'd probably be one of those said fans. He's a hot daddy owo
Am I the only one who thinks the prince may have killed his parents? It would be a bit of an interesting twist, if it was the case, but whatever it may be, I'm interested in what's to come! I want to like the prince because the starting message was so emotional, but uhhhhh, he ain't passing dah vibe check rn with the current knowledge at our disposal I look forward to future developments, I love the touches of DND, the interesting, dynamic, and thought out characters, and I can't wait to watch for our little adventurers to grow and eat Marrow from the Bone, you gotta Break... errr... uhh what was I saying?... oh right, them open to get the good stuff!
As always, Shirokoi delivers, and what he delivered is beautiful, even if it is his creative stress baby, it is beautiful nevertheless, and you must all love it or prepear to p e a r i s h !
Also whatttt I'm not gayyy * queue nervous sweats and off - key laughing* :3
P.S. Possible Glamour Bard Hype???
P.P.S Will update with more consise review of game laters
Aaah I always get a little giddy when I see folks' story theories~! I'm glad the VN has struck your interest, it's nice to folks slowly growing attached to the characters as more updates roll out. Thanks for writing out your thoughts, I look forward to seeing your more concise review in the future! <3
Shirokoi i love this game and i especially love the animations for the magic all the animations are very good so far just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i love it keep up the great work! also glad that you are working on this new project especially after working on repeat for 5 years its good that you are taking a break from that and working on this new project because its really good ya know? will this vn be as dark as repeat because man repeat made me feel things i don't like feeling so i was wondering if this vn will have its dark moments as well? or will it be not as dark and give you the feels in the bad way? Also i love Cole and Sidd and artemi sorry if spelled there names wrong but i love them and the characters we met so far will there be more characters and will they also have lewd scenes as well? also i would love if cole would do something with sidd because he is hot and having his chest out all the time makes me want to bury my face in it i love sidd so much and cole please tell me they have a lewd scene together if they do and its a spoiler then don't tell me but i hope there is because i love both of them so much! but yeah keep up the great work this is really great so far and i give your vn five stars because its really good just like your last vn repeat so yeah can't wait for the next update hope its just as good as the update we have currently thank you and have a great day Shirokoi! you really deserve a break my man
shirokoi honey, you're the best and you deserve the world for your blessings on this earth. Thank you truly for these works of art they're really something amazing. <3
Because I have been working on Repeat nonstop for the past five years and have been burning out by working on a single project to the point where I was hating everything I was doing? Temptation’s Ballad has been a creative breath of fresh air for me and really helped pull me out of a depressive rut. I’m not a machine that can endlessly pump out updates with no consequence, give me a break.
I mean in the other project you touched on some very sensitive topics and It must be very draining to want to give to those who want,wait did you say 5 years. 😳
Awww, I love your content, but your well being is more important. I hope you don't loose your enthusiasm for creating these games and I hope that you have fun creating the games! I can wait, even if you need 5 years off. By then I can buy the game, and I will.
As much as i like Repeat for its interesting story. i love this one for its characters even more, so if this is how you went your stress ,hey knock yourself out.
No but seriously , if you think something is to much for you to the point you get in a depressive rut (i am familiar with them) Take-a-Break, honestly.
I love this so far. Cole is by far my favorite but I love all the characters and can't wait for more. You've given them all great personalities that I just adore seeing
I just ended playing updated content and I can tell that I like how story goes :3 I can tell that every character is different. I like Cole the most ^-^ But there's one thing that I have to ask. Will we be able to make choices if yes then how we will be making them? Will it be like special events for every character or we will make choices only as one character?
When I realized this game was made by shirokoi. I was surprised his arts improved a lot compared to the other visual novel "repeat". I really support his amazing work of making stories and artwork. Still... I really want to see more of romantic stuff with sissel. Those dancing and kissing scene are not enough. I can't support his patreon for the moment because of... Reasons that I'm not sure why happened. ;w;
One of the few good VNs that actually made me love the characters instantly. Even if they aren't very relatable to their positions, I still find them very lovable.
Right of the bat the game shows you something that I have only seen similarly in Nekojishi and impressed me. So, the beginning already is super good. TemptationsBallad is for now a light hearted, fun game with a lot of energetic characters. Only a few times the mood took a serious turn.
I am a big fan of the world map. It helps with the world building and the reader to follow the plot. TB is like a RPG adventure without the usual game mechanics.
The music is mostly gentle and happy.
Character A, B, C, the 3 main ones, don't have at all the same personalities. In the future they should be able to complement each other fine.
Sprites and backgrounds are well made, however Sidd's sprite does look a bit different from the others. He's a wolf, right?
About Sidd: Is he adopted or why does he have a bird mama? Just ignore the question if it's a secret!
Ok, right off the bat, incredibly well done character exposition. Many NSFW VNs kinda just throw hot characters in for the eye candy. This takes its time, and even in a short demo, really shows the characters' personalities, history, and temperament. Once payday rolls around, this is one patreon project I am definitely backing, this shows a ton of promise, and even if you can't afford the patreon, definitely give the demo a go.
"Patreon members will gain access to all monthly updates while the general public will gain access to builds every other month. "
So does this mean that patrons will get an update each month, but the public will get one update every two months (i.e. update july, no update august, update september, no update october, etc.)?
The patreon build will become public after a month, which means that August's update will become available to the public in september and so on and so forth.
Oh. That's a relief. I would rather have monthly updates rather than every other month to keep the hype up. Most people don't really like it if they see a VN not being updated frequently.
I like so much Repeat (sissel is one of the best), I hope feeling the same way to this game, give laughs, fall in love for the cuteness of one character and put him in a jar forever ò.ó, tomorrow I will test it ( I love magic, but if we can't do magic, I will destroy all jars I can find ò.ó)
I am not gay, nor am I a furry, But I ended up downloading repeat after going down a rabbit hole one night a while ago, and dammit it was good and I genuinely felt something for the characters in spite of myself. If this one is half as good, I'll give it my time
Just finished the demo, the amount of art and animation is amazing and getting to know about the character's background and stories imminently was quite nice, even with the lack of content, I enjoyed every second of it, and I think I will for every new update.
← Return to game
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I love the story in you games like i am not really one to tell a friend hey go check out this thing that has porn in it but is optional and just stay for the story but hot damm you are an amazing writer and an amazing artist
Btw i would do patreon for you but i have no money and currently playing on a laptop issued by my collage so after the year i wont be able to keep playing but i can tell you got this in the bag.
Oh wow, playing a nsfw game on a school issued laptop? Brave...
Hope you don't get caught (doing the exact same thing)
never got caught lmao though highly doubt they didnt know by the end of it
The chaos my brain went through reading this is unparalleled
OK but like wow, this is ranking high on my "come for the porn stay for the story" list. 10. characters are great and cole, sidd and artemi have the best relationship
Aaaaw thank you! Ngl being told “came for the porn but stayed for the plot” is like the getting a gold trophy for furry VN writers haha ❤️
so like if repeat can get an update then it’s a good year
every time I get a comment like this I’m gonna extend Repeat’s hiatus by a month >:U
I mean like repeat was so good I just can’t wait but come back when your ready I’ll be waiting
I guess you can say you are Repeating you actions
Thats a bit cruel to keep extending it tho? Shouldn't it be a complement that people like your work so much? I'm mostly satisfied with waiting for repeat to update cuz your working on this and I like this just as much.
Damn I love this so much
I love this Vn, I have fallen in love with Cole, I love his way of being, Sidd is a sweetheart and he is very charismatic, and Artemi is not ready for the outside world. Hamish is not bad at all, he is very handsome. Excellent work, I look forward to the next update.
So far from what I read, I love this VN! The main characters are so precious ;w; Cole is me XP, Sidd is gay panic but so cute, and Artemi is an adorable child that must be protected from sinnnnn
One thing I noticed is that Cole and Clyde have some sort of romantic relationship in the past and I'm kinda curious how that went down (possible update that goes through their relationship in the past?). I really do hope by the end they get together after Cole starts becoming more true to himself, tells his dad (Who's a fucking dilf step on me pls owo) about his magic, and finds peace with val. Same goes for Artemi and Sidd! Artemi finally proves to herself and mother that she too can be an amazing chosen she was meant to be, and Sidd being able to be the adventurer he wanted to be to help his parents while also accepting the fact he's gay and simps for Cole lol. I have a feeling they're each going to go through some life changing experiences as their journey goes which I'm honestly excited to see and experience!
All in all, I can't wait for the next update! This is up there with adastra for me as one of my favorite VNs in terms of story and characters ;w;
P.S. that conversation Cole had with Sidd about his dad getting so many fan mail wanting Marrow to step on them is hilarious XD especially since I'd probably be one of those said fans. He's a hot daddy owo
*Possible Spoilers?/ Thoughts/Punny Disaster*
Am I the only one who thinks the prince may have killed his parents? It would be a bit of an interesting twist, if it was the case, but whatever it may be, I'm interested in what's to come! I want to like the prince because the starting message was so emotional, but uhhhhh, he ain't passing dah vibe check rn with the current knowledge at our disposal I look forward to future developments, I love the touches of DND, the interesting, dynamic, and thought out characters, and I can't wait to watch for our little adventurers to grow and eat Marrow from the Bone, you gotta Break... errr... uhh what was I saying?... oh right, them open to get the good stuff!
As always, Shirokoi delivers, and what he delivered is beautiful, even if it is his creative stress baby, it is beautiful nevertheless, and you must all love it or prepear to p e a r i s h !
Also whatttt I'm not gayyy * queue nervous sweats and off - key laughing* :3
P.S. Possible Glamour Bard Hype???
P.P.S Will update with more consise review of game laters
P.P.P.S Take care of yourself okay? :3
Aaah I always get a little giddy when I see folks' story theories~! I'm glad the VN has struck your interest, it's nice to folks slowly growing attached to the characters as more updates roll out. Thanks for writing out your thoughts, I look forward to seeing your more concise review in the future! <3
PS: Stress is eternal ;;w;;
oh god no don't do that
Artemi's sole purpose is to smite the sinners :3
I just cant watch if artemi's barrier of innocence gets broken if she knew
Shirokoi i love this game and i especially love the animations for the magic all the animations are very good so far just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i love it keep up the great work! also glad that you are working on this new project especially after working on repeat for 5 years its good that you are taking a break from that and working on this new project because its really good ya know? will this vn be as dark as repeat because man repeat made me feel things i don't like feeling so i was wondering if this vn will have its dark moments as well? or will it be not as dark and give you the feels in the bad way? Also i love Cole and Sidd and artemi sorry if spelled there names wrong but i love them and the characters we met so far will there be more characters and will they also have lewd scenes as well? also i would love if cole would do something with sidd because he is hot and having his chest out all the time makes me want to bury my face in it i love sidd so much and cole please tell me they have a lewd scene together if they do and its a spoiler then don't tell me but i hope there is because i love both of them so much! but yeah keep up the great work this is really great so far and i give your vn five stars because its really good just like your last vn repeat so yeah can't wait for the next update hope its just as good as the update we have currently thank you and have a great day Shirokoi! you really deserve a break my man
DAYUMMMMM THIS IS GREATTTTTTTTTTTTTT and i like how clyde and cole is perverted and artemi is so innocent
I have not start this game yet,but it must be a good story. (*^ω^*)
shirokoi honey, you're the best and you deserve the world for your blessings on this earth. Thank you truly for these works of art they're really something amazing. <3
...why are you trying to juggle multiple projects at once? makes no sense
Because I have been working on Repeat nonstop for the past five years and have been burning out by working on a single project to the point where I was hating everything I was doing? Temptation’s Ballad has been a creative breath of fresh air for me and really helped pull me out of a depressive rut. I’m not a machine that can endlessly pump out updates with no consequence, give me a break.
Damn... You really need someone to help you. XD
No, taking breaks from long projects is pretty normal.
I mean in the other project you touched on some very sensitive topics and It must be very draining to want to give to those who want,wait did you say 5 years. 😳
When you only reply to complaints is a sign of a true madlad.
Awww, I love your content, but your well being is more important. I hope you don't loose your enthusiasm for creating these games and I hope that you have fun creating the games! I can wait, even if you need 5 years off. By then I can buy the game, and I will.
As much as i like Repeat for its interesting story. i love this one for its characters even more, so if this is how you went your stress ,hey knock yourself out.
No but seriously , if you think something is to much for you to the point you get in a depressive rut (i am familiar with them) Take-a-Break, honestly.
Another shirokoi masterpiece I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!
I love this so far. Cole is by far my favorite but I love all the characters and can't wait for more. You've given them all great personalities that I just adore seeing
I just ended playing updated content and I can tell that I like how story goes :3 I can tell that every character is different. I like Cole the most ^-^ But there's one thing that I have to ask. Will we be able to make choices if yes then how we will be making them? Will it be like special events for every character or we will make choices only as one character?
The story is fairly linear, but there will be some minor dialogue choices and scene selections in Chapter 2 and onwards.
so this is only alpha as of right now?
Wait new update now? Or not :/
Was there supposed to be one? I don't know the update schedule :(
i think there's a new update now
The new 0.1.2 update is now live
Developer: * releases a new update *
When I realized this game was made by shirokoi. I was surprised his arts improved a lot compared to the other visual novel "repeat". I really support his amazing work of making stories and artwork. Still... I really want to see more of romantic stuff with sissel. Those dancing and kissing scene are not enough. I can't support his patreon for the moment because of... Reasons that I'm not sure why happened. ;w;
One of the few good VNs that actually made me love the characters instantly. Even if they aren't very relatable to their positions, I still find them very lovable.
Right of the bat the game shows you something that I have only seen similarly in Nekojishi and impressed me. So, the beginning already is super good. TemptationsBallad is for now a light hearted, fun game with a lot of energetic characters. Only a few times the mood took a serious turn.
I am a big fan of the world map. It helps with the world building and the reader to follow the plot. TB is like a RPG adventure without the usual game mechanics.
The music is mostly gentle and happy.
Character A, B, C, the 3 main ones, don't have at all the same personalities. In the future they should be able to complement each other fine.
Sprites and backgrounds are well made, however Sidd's sprite does look a bit different from the others. He's a wolf, right?
About Sidd: Is he adopted or why does he have a bird mama? Just ignore the question if it's a secret!
Good luck and thank you!
Ok, right off the bat, incredibly well done character exposition. Many NSFW VNs kinda just throw hot characters in for the eye candy. This takes its time, and even in a short demo, really shows the characters' personalities, history, and temperament. Once payday rolls around, this is one patreon project I am definitely backing, this shows a ton of promise, and even if you can't afford the patreon, definitely give the demo a go.
"Patreon members will gain access to all monthly updates while the general public will gain access to builds every other month. "
So does this mean that patrons will get an update each month, but the public will get one update every two months (i.e. update july, no update august, update september, no update october, etc.)?
The patreon build will become public after a month, which means that August's update will become available to the public in september and so on and so forth.
So it's just the usual month delay rather that skipping every second month
Oh. That's a relief. I would rather have monthly updates rather than every other month to keep the hype up. Most people don't really like it if they see a VN not being updated frequently.
My ears burn
Really liked the demo.
Blazed through the demo so fast. Super good, I'm invested
I just ended playing demo and it was great <3 You're writing is sooooo good ^-^ I will be waiting for more updates :D
I like so much Repeat (sissel is one of the best), I hope feeling the same way to this game, give laughs, fall in love for the cuteness of one character and put him in a jar forever ò.ó, tomorrow I will test it ( I love magic, but if we can't do magic, I will destroy all jars I can find ò.ó)
I was wondering why ur art style was so similar to repeat 😂😂 im guessing ill be left at another annoing cliff hanger 🤣🤣
umm I noticed that too do I looked into it turns out same person
The description for this vn is dnd in a nutshell
Well, to be fair, it does say it's a D&D style story.
Once again the art and writting has blown me away. Look foward to seeing what you come up with next
I am not gay, nor am I a furry, But I ended up downloading repeat after going down a rabbit hole one night a while ago, and dammit it was good and I genuinely felt something for the characters in spite of myself. If this one is half as good, I'll give it my time
Wow, that's a very interesting start. Soo good and left me waiting for more. I already love all of the characters - all so cuuutte :3
This is gonna be fun.
Just finished the demo, the amount of art and animation is amazing and getting to know about the character's background and stories imminently was quite nice, even with the lack of content, I enjoyed every second of it, and I think I will for every new update.
OwO What's this!?
Once again, finished playing the demo and love what ya got so far, excited to see what comes next, keep up the amazing work and stay safe!
Thank you so much for the support! ;w;/