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Parabéns, esse jogo é incrível:3

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Lurker, I guess that all the routes will be just as long, since, knowing the creator, is going to be amazing. You just have to wait maybe a year or so for the full story to come out, since it took a year to get this far. So hold your tail and just wait. Maybe check some other VN's, but Repeat will have to wait for a while, since the creator is also working on another game. So just wait and see! ;3

Omg now i really cant wait for it be be compleated! I just finished all the routes ( i dont know who may favorite is ) and im so excited for the full game to be out


Guys, who do you think is the canon love interest for Euca?


I don't think there's supposed to be a canon love interest. Tho if there was I think it would probably be sissel



I'd say it's Sissel, mainly because they look the cutest as a couple while Philip and Owen obviously have something going on between if you chose Sissel's route.

Owen and phillip have a thing in sissel's route because the mc isnt there to intervene. But if you choose owen's route he actually confesses that he has a crush on the mc, literally doesn't make sense because he flirts with everything he sees XD

The other two routes are much shorter, so have less time for anything to develop between the other characters, but Sissel has that hero worship of the Black Cat, and Owen and Sissel were childhood friends, both of which could be developed into something romantic.

Of course they dont have a canon love intrest but if there was one, even though I'm playing Owen's route and i like it a lot, i believe Sissel would be his canon love interest

Sissel I think, the way everything starts before you pick a route it very... how do I say this... pointing at Sissel. Does that makes sense?

So if there is current 3 playable characters? what does it mean in the future.

I think when it's finished, it's just going to be the three characters. I'm not the developer or anything, but that's what I imagine it will be. We've barely seen Phillips route, so he'll be interesting.


This was the best if not the best Furry based VN i have played so far to be honest and i loved everything, though im sad that no one of the routes are completed yet, but im looking forward to the next uptades and hopefully to a finished game someday, cause u are really talented when it comes to writing and stuff. So dont torture yourself and take your time....and of course stay save o/

In 2 days, this game is going to be a year old! (I'm pretty sure)

Actually it’s 11 Days.

Right, its 355 days now, not 365. Didnt see that. 

Also it was 12 days when I posted that.


I don't usually play visual novels, but I feel like Mr Shirokoi has a tremendous talent for writing deeply empathetic characters like I've never seen in any media  that could come anywhere close in both his games, I love them, especially Sissel, so adorable.

Honestly i love this VN, it's so deep and i really empathize with the characters... btw if anyone knows the name of the song that plays on the scene (SPOILER ALERT) where Sissel and the protagonist kiss in the rain with the building catching fire in the backround, i would be very grateful, Thanks so much!

"Little Something ", sang by Lin Xintong, a Chinese female singer. By the way I’m Chinese and my English is poor, hope it can help you.

Strange, i searched the song on YouTube and it doesn't appear anywhere, could you pass me a link to the video or anything, please?

I found the song. Maybe you can try this link, but it looks like you need a VPN to visit the website.

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The version used in the VN is sung by Mag Lam. You can find it on YouTube if you search using that as the singer's name, but you can also find it within the 'game' files of the VN download. Look for the file titled Little-something-vocals.

Thanks man, i think i found it. btw the song is hella good

You're welcome, and I totally agree. The first time I heard it, coupled with the image from the VN, I cried.


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I need it.

his route is so interesting,  it just says "this is the end for this update and that more will come out soon".


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I got to the end of the Sissle route, but when is the next update for his route.

I know why this happened but I find it kind of funny that I gave Owen a blow job in front of multiple people and there was no mention of it

😤no one said anything because they just jealous 

Yeah, luckily no one was close to contemplate that or at least the ones who were watching were enjoying it lmao

Damnnnnn, i cant wait for more,i already tried all routes, and philip's route is very VERY short,i was wanting them to be long but,i only needed one day to finish this

This is gonna make me cry because i wanted it to be long, but atleast i get to know that there are atleast people who is workinh hard

Phillip's route has the least done with it due to the difficulty of the subject matter involved with it.

oh, welp, damn, i hope the philip route(or any other route) gets more updates

Right now it's on hiatus so he can work on his other VN idea, so no one quite knows when he'll come back to it, but believe me, I'm looking forward to seeing more too.



No ending for any of the routes I see how it is 2020 is just be like that 

I have no words o_O

Uggg shirokoi, I need the ending to Sissel's route!!!!! I am getting so depressed with how long it is taking to start the end of his route. Sissel is my favorite by far. Everything about his is so dreamy.

(1 edit) (+4)

I'm going to leave this message here for anyone who has read through the VN so far, or plans to. Repeat is currently on hiatus so that Shirokoi can work on his new visual novel project, Temptation's Ballad, seen here:

It's currently unknown when he will return to work on it, but I do not personally believe he has abandoned it. The story itself has dealt with a lot of heavy topics, and, as someone who has read everything from all three routes, I could understand the need to step away from it for a bit. It's a great story, but some of what it dives into can be emotionally draining even to read. Writing it is probably even harder.

Personally, I think the time away will only lead to better writing when he returns to it, because he'll have had plenty of time to work out how he wants to proceed. Yes, the fact we're left on cliffhangers for the three routes is a bit of a bummer, but I look forward to seeing what the time away from it does to the story when he eventually resumes writing it.

jes ive seen that game so far its good kinda ended quick but understand kinda realy depressed about repeat cause realy love it but i kan hold on until he is ready to proceed with updates for repeat

Phillips is the only one whose route ends quickly. Owen's is slightly longer, and Sissel's is the longest and is actually in what he calls Part B of his story.

ah gotcha thanks😁👌👉

No problem. Phillip's is the hardest to write for, from what he says, so he has the least done because he has to work himself up for it. Sissel's has the most work done to it and he is my favorite of the three so I really got into the story. 

Which sprites are the new updated ones? The idle sprites look different from the others. The sprites with emotion look very nice and clean.

That scene seriously scared the shit out of me. It didn't help that it was playing at 3 AM either. I wish there some sort of warning :(

idk who my fav isssss ughh Owen or Sisseeel... Both of their personalities is my type...I love them both alottt. I might pick Sissel though. Also I like that every character has a tragic back story. Shows how a person can be going through alot and still smile. That scene with the camp fire is so nice. They all look relaxed and have no worries.

  • Where can I download the Chinese version of the resources

there is none


Im not even into furries and lately in severe bad mental state and bored to the limits, was hesitating to play it...
Here I am now, 11hours later without any break, with a god damn empty void inside after "finishing" Sissel's route.

It almost made me cry

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So... I just finished Sissel's route and I just... feel so empty. This quarantine had me bored as fuck and picking up every VN I could get my hands on so when I finally got the time to play Repeat... Well, I couldn't stop for the life of me.  I played the game somewhere around 8 PM yesterday and I practically had to force myself to stop cause it was already nearing 4 AM in the morning. I finished it the next day and was so fucking sad when it ended. I haven't played Owen's and Phillip's routes yet but Sissel's is my favorite and nothing will change that. This is just one of those visual novels where the characters and the story are so engaging I don't even care about the lewd scenes anymore, I just wanna see the MC and Sissel happy together.


Also, the amount of times I replayed that Kiss In  The Rain was unhealthy but DAMN IT WAS SO GOOD. By the way, does anyone know the name of the song that was playing in the background?

Omg try Owen and then tell me who's your favorite between Sissel and Owen cause I cant ;-;. I like both their personalitys and etc. Though I might pick Sissel.

Sissel is bean

The song is called Little Something by Mag Lam. I'm the same way. I replayed that scene over and over because of how sweet it was. If you look in the game folder, you can find it there. Various versions of it are there but "Little-Something-vocals" is the actual song.

So when is the new update being put up here?

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0.7.2 is the most recent version he has out. Shirokoi has it on hiatus for the time being to work on another visual novel project, called Temptation's Ballad, seen here:

I just cleared Sissel's  route... as far as it's released, and I think I shouldn't play this game before the game is totally developed. Sissel is adorable and I think waiting until this game is completed is like a torture to me.  Please finish to develop this masterpiece at least before I die...

exactly how i felt. but i cant resist it ;-;

No update schedule?

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

It's not abandoned, shirokoi the developer of this vn just run out inspiration for this vn after 5 years creating this vn i think. so he/she chose to create another vn to get some inspiration, it's called temptations ballad, i never play it though but it's looks great, so yeah, for now repeat will be hiatus until shirokoi gets more inspiration for the other vn.

Ps: the cliffhanger in sissel story is long enough to make me crazy about it lol.

Deleted 1 year ago
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welp the last part in sissel route when euca want to show sissel his past with his camera and it's just END THERE.

Edit: i forgot his name is euca or eucha since it's almost 2 months since i play it lol.

Deleted 1 year ago

Yeah i really hope repeat will update soon, i can't wait for what will happens in sissel route 


Omg, I am dying inside!!!! I need to know what happens with Sissel. the second he was introduced, i was like "Damn, I want to go on his journey. He is the only one i actually care for".

im first into owen since you know nsfw stuf, but yeah i really like this cute little bunny to (welp big bunny maybe lol) since his story is really beautiful and i really cant wait for what happens after this, because it is the most i want to see right now  even after owen update but this "to be continue" is friking left me at the cliffhanger until unknown time, until then i will searching for other vn that will make me forget with how long this hiatus wil be lol.

(3 edits) (+1)

The main character (Euca is his default name) isn't really going back in time, it would make more sense to say time is starting over. He can't remember anything from any of his other failed attempts. 

The remnant cannot be killed as far as we know. Euca grabbed it by the throat and slammed down in the street when the fire started and it just kinda sat there watching him. Halley was able to destroy it, but as you can see during the restaurant scene, it just comes back a short time later and picks up where it left off. According to Echo, wishes can only die when the person who made them gives them up. Echo did kind of lie though, because it looks like wishes can also die from resisting their purpose, which Halley said is what is killing him.

As for who created the Remnant, I won't spoil it, but all the pieces are there for you to figure it out. Replay it and pay very close attention to both dialogue and the artwork of the characters. Jenny also dropped a big hint somewhere along the way.

It's actually better for Sissel to stay there in the woods sometimes. Even with his old house as run down and broken as it is, it's what he called his home for several years. It's one of the few places he can de-stress and it's close to the lake where bradley is. He really should get better at swimming though.

As for Sissel's attitude toward money, he doesn't have a problem with having money, he just doesn't want to be a nuisance by relying on everyone else. He also probably doesn't want to exploit anybody, since that's the thing that caused the mess he's in to begin with.  

Edit: I was wrong, it laughed when Euca slammed it down, which is just a little bit more creepy. Halley also said that her destroying it came at a heavy cost, which she later reveals. Everyone agrees that Halley is incredibly strong, but she has to make a bit of an unfair sacrifice every time she does something, therefore she isn't a permanent solution either.  #3 also tells me you are going to like owens route.

Deleted 1 year ago

No offense intended, but getting a gun and trying to shoot it out with the thugs is a very very bad idea. It's the lorelei family that are extorting him. They are very wealthy, highly organized, well known for their brutality, and pretty much own the city. If they wanted Euca or Hershal gone, nobody would be able to stop them. You wouldn't even be able to go the the police to help you, because they probably own the police too. Jenny realized they were in over their heads, and had the right idea about going to Morse for help.

As for the remnant, finding the guy who wished it into existence and having it unwished is also a problem because you are right. It was Euca who wished it. The remnant is really just a corrupted form of Echo. He keeps resisting his core, or his purpose, and the remnant is the end result of him doing so. If Echo won't tell him what the wish was, he can't undo it. 

 Halley couldn't kill it no matter how much she wanted to, but it could definitely kill her quite easily. The way I understand it is that Halley draws her power from Jenny's health. The more things Halley does, the worse Jenny's health will get. According to Cecilia, this trade-off means Halley is immensely powerful for a wish, but she still has a limit. Echo on the other hand is somehow related to the stars. He seems quite weak most of the time, but there's no limit on how strong he can get. Halley acknowledges this when she says fighting Echo during the meteor shower would have been a suicidal move for her.

The remnant is a compounding problem. If not taken care of as soon as possible, it will continue to grow stronger as Echo grows weaker. Halley and Cecilia can drive it away sometimes, but Cecilia's only purpose is to defend Sissel and she might end up fading away eventually. The more Halley tries, the more Jenny will pay the price for it. Once Jenny is gone, the remnant can do whatever it wants and nothing will stop it. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Basically had that exact same thought process deciding which route to play haha

maybe hershel felt guilty?


So this game is the best vn I have ever played. At first I didn't think there was much but I was wrong. The scenes with the childhoods of the students displaying left me in tears and I broke down and could not stop crying. Sorry for any spoilers but you should checkout the game anyway it is amazing.


I really like this VN after giving it a try going through Owen's route yesterday, and Sissel's route today but I'm a little sad that I don't have the option for protag to bottom for Sissel for their 2nd intimate scene, good work still


I'm surprised that this game is five years old. ._.

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it is? God I’m old.

Edit:in my eyes that is

same, I found this game 3 years ago. I still want to know the ending of sissel route. Hopefully there will be some more romantic stuff happened. -3-


This VN are really awesome. Really ship the main character with sissle tho. But after going through the game I know what the game meant by repeat. Not gonna spoil it tho. Play it first you will know. @3@


This VN was truly special for me. This is only the second VN i've ever read and it's perhaps the most gripping tale i've heard in a loooong time. The comedy is incredible too! And i love the fact the lewds are purely optional scenes. I look forward to when this comes out of hiatus, if i could afford to be a patron right now i would be cause this was incredible. Just saying though, there are minor typo's but i'm sure those will be ironed out over time. And slight spoiler i think? There should be at least a minor trigger warning cause this VN does dip into territory i personally am pretty disturbed by and how it just blindsided me, not that it ruined the experience for me just some people may not take as kindly to that. That's all my opinion though, feel free to ignore it lmao.

Where are the save files exactly located on PC if anyone knows?


Here a little guide

Thanks a lot! I thought they would be somewhere there when i was searching, but i didn't find them in my 0.7.2 folder but in the folder of the last version. Maybe because im using itch as a launcher?..
Anyway problem solved! Thank you again 

This is the first time I've been on an emotional coaster from a game, you are very talanted writer (or writers) thanks for the amazing gam

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm aware development is on a hiatus but I'd like to say I really enjoyed the current build and am definitely looking forward to the next update. I've also had a look at Temptation's Ballad and that looks very promising. This author is for sure one of my new favourites.

I'm excited for more gameplay! When will be the next update?

Deleted 1 year ago

Can we get a gallery for unlocked artworks please??


Are you on a computer or mobile? On mobile, there should be some way you can assign them to the phones gallery to view them. If your on  computer, go to your files > Repeat > Game > any picture and you can flip through them. 

There's a little bit of cut content in there too. 

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