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Every. Single. Update.
I swear every single update you manage to captivate me and make me laugh out loud with your amazing writing style. that in combination with the music,the good placed sounds and the fine art makes these one of my favorit Visual novels of all time. And Malus is a great addition to the story.

YES FOR REAL MAN i even went around the page to write comment come on!


the things marrow says make my heart melt! Beautifully written


Thank you for your great work! Greetings from Russia!


The writing is super well done. I don't really care for the art style but Cole really grew on me!

Once I realized how much influence 5e had on this, I really had fun contextualizing it like that.


I simply adore Malus~


I love this VN so far but I'm confused about one thing, is Cole's mom dead or missing?


Dos anyone even talk about his mom in this state of the game?


Dosen't his father like men? If so I would assume that's why his mother is not in the picture.

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Yes, but she must exist, or have existed at least.

Even Sidd has a memento of his birth mother. 

LOL I was a sweet summer child.... 😅

TBH I just assumed she was dead

Maybe dead? I'm theorizing she might be the reason Marrow doesn't like magic.


Hello I love this VN but when I download the update it tells me that app not installed. I'm not sure what wrong.

it happened to me too... I considered uninstall the old version but that means i have to start a new game..

Yea it still doesn't work does it with you?

It works now but i uninstalled last version and lost all process but it's cool, i can replay it

ahh alright ill try it thanks


Cole new friend is so cute

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This is just so cute and the characters are really good too. I will be looking forward for some more.

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there is a dialogue hide function if you are on pc or mac, just hit the 'h' key :)

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That's sad.....

What date is the next update?


Hello! Sorry for the delay, but I got sick and was bedridden for a week, so I need some time to catch up on some work before the update is ready for release. Sorry for the inconvenience! ;w;/


Then I guess the update will be moved temporarily to December 25th?


Hope you're feeling better! Take as long as you need, we're loving what you're making! 


What kind of frogs are they, dear?  Bro I died XD

When will the next update be? I'm so excited and, mark my words, I WILL be the first to read it once it updates.


Is that KSP music in the fighting arena?

I thought I was the only one who noticedXD

I love this~! I feel bad for Artemis, I hope she gets better outcomes in the future chapters~

And~ I look forward to future updates~!


I know that Bishop Kat is a mother and all but I would gladly bitch slap her that even the creator will say "daaammmn." To the impact.



Duuuuude so good ahahahh >w< deym well made, im luvin it im so excited for the next chapter

My reaction: Gaaah, riie, aaah, wijfkao



everyone be like:is this gay? 

The fans who want people to be gay: no its not


As always, nice work shirokoi! I'll be looking forward to each update. 

P.S. The spell animations are so COOL!!!

What date is the next update

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Anyone: How much gay?

Creator: Yes


There is at least 2 gay 

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There's more than two: Cole, Sidd(hopefully), Marrow, Hamish(obviously), and Clyde

How dare u defy our lord and savor 


Plz dont kill meh


Loving the character interactions thus far, I really want these cute idiots to be happy together (specially Artemis, she needs a break)


I feel so bad for Hamish, he's trying to be nice to Cole and is just getting told to stay out of it. I just wanna give the big yeen a hug and Cole a flick on the nose

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The Story and DnD aspects of this novel are really great.

My problem is....
...i'm already worried what sad events are to come, because WE KNOW nothing ever keeps all that happy or normal in visual novels around here.


Thank you! I've been worried that I might be getting some D&D details wrong, but I'm glad folks are enjoying them so far! ;w;

Also, of course. Visual Novels are for emotional masochists uwu

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Honestly with the whole "getting D&D details wrong", I've just been ignoring anything that doesn't seem right and just putting it down to "this is based on D&D, this isn't actually D&D" because its mainly thing like the spells being slightly more powerful than what they normally would be (i.e. Prestidigitation would only affect one candle at a time, Conjure Elemental actually takes a whole minute to cast and would only summon one stoney-boi, Minor Illusion should only be able to affect a 5 foot cube at a time, etc,) and it would probably be less interesting if Cole had to go "hang on, let me cast Prestidigitation 13 times because there's a lot of torches".

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i'm an avid D&D dungeonmaster, but the spells not being exactly or 100% right in this novel as the tabletop rules its not bad.
Things change, and need changes, when going to another type of media for a better narrative in general, just like what happens when books or comics become tv series or movies.
And even when playing there's always homemade rules, so some spells acting different its not really a problem
Just the spell referrences alone already made my day when playing  this 

D&D at its heart is a storytelling interactive ruleset for you and fellow players.  Alter what you want and still keep the D&D feel.  Its your world and you're the dungeon master.  As what other stated you pulled enough off that we instantly related to it and accepted the changes.  It provided the theme and the effect and kept us reading on in full enjoyment.

Here is an excerpt from the Dungeon Master's guide, pg 263 

"As the Dungeon Master, you aren’t limited by the rules in the Player’s Handbook, the guidelines in these rules, or the selection of monsters in the Monster Manual. You can let your imagination run wild."

You're doing fine and as someone who has being playing since I was 5 years old.  I've DM'ed around the country and literally have 1000's of player's character's stat cards sitting in a box next to me.  If I sat at a table with you as a DM and you provided that same captivating experience in this VN... I'd be asking you after the session when is the next one and where do I sign up?


What a rollercoaster of emotions this update has been T~T.

pls tell me when the next update comes


next month(Maybe)

Yup its been a month so you were right(hopefully it doesnt go to 2 months

hey , Hamish will be added like ''lover'' ? :3 

His funny x) 

Between , i love your games , great characters and stories !


Hamish won't be a romance option since he's already dating Marrow. He'll still be in some lewd scenes tho! :3


Love it ! Funny , good charac , cute design , sexy ....


Hee hee. This is so much fun to read. The drama, the romance, the bloodshed. It's so fabulous.


god, big (possibly) gay boi is the best!

but seriously, you have done a wonderful job writing such a great story and I'm excited to see what happens next! Keep up the good work!


Is there an option to avoid lewdness with characters or is the prot just a slut that sleeps with everyone who offers?


Sidd is my new giant himbo boyfriend.

Amazing work on this! I'm enjoying this world even more than Repeat. Congratulations on building such a deep setting and such relatable/comedic characters.


I love this game so much right now, and now im just wondering when the next update will be...hmmmmm


dam man finally got around to playing this game is great cant wait to see more


I really love how often you are updating this game. I've been playing each update since the first version came out and decided to create an account to say how much I enjoy this. You are very talented and creative. I hope to see the finished result someday! <3

P.S. Don't let peoples opinions take you down. You are a really great artist/writer and no-one can take that away from you!

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