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happy pride month


This VN has got some of the most incredible art and chemistry between the characters I've ever seen. 



ngl this is probably the best vn out there in terms of story and art. The characters are just so lovable and cgs are well made and hilarious when they need to be. overall this has a lot of potential and i cant wait to see what is next.

Also, repeat is also a great vn and i cant wait for the art rework. 😀


Happy Pride month everyone!! 😃😃😃


Gay times ahead uwu


I'm wearing socks we're good


uwu indeed

(1 edit) (+3)

let's hope for the heaviest rain(for just a day), so that the biggest motherf***ing rainbow appears.


I have socks as well. 😃😃😃


so sock is a thing for us? i admit i'm brand new to all of this so i wasn't aware.

that or sock isn't a gay thing in France.


ok sidds theme sounds REAAAAAAAALLLLLLY FAMILIAR, i KNOW its some chinese song ive heard some years ago


Wow, that was one emotional bomb we got here... Well, we were told that Hamish was prone to tear sometime in private, but that is a whole other level. Masterfully written i say! i'm looking forward for...well pretty much anything since I know it will be good


Aaw thank you! I'm glad Hamish's backstory hit the mark for folks. I'm looking forward to diving deeper into the yeen dads' past in future chapters ;w;/


yas, more yeen, i'm always down for that. especially with how cute his young sprite is.

not that i mind the old one ;-)

(3 edits) (+4)

lesgo new updateeeee!

also, i just wanted to share a thought about the new part of the story, so spoilers ahead...

I feel as if Marrow would be frustrated with Hamish at the most, but i think, knowing Marrow's personality, he would be more frustrated at himself, since the outer image of his hatred toward magic had prevented not only his lover, but his own son from telling him about their magic, which is kinda part of their identity. Idk i feel like he might get a bit depresso over that realization

just a thought, lotta people prolly had the same one, but i just wanted to throw it out there. Cant wait for the next part :D!


I am in love with this story. Every update is amazing and never what I think. Just wish I didn't have to reinstall the file everytime, that's a lot of skipping lol.


Ah sorry, the Android build of the game always gets wonky because of the Renpy engine. I'm planning to add a Chapter Select screen to the main menu to hopefully alleviate some of these issues in the future ;w;


I appreciate it, keep up the outstanding work my friend


Why are hyena dads in visual novels always so good? Hamish and Marrow are so sweet and I love them so much


Seriously their backstory just keeps getting deeper.



(1 edit) (+3)

New update lets goooo

Game Not updating anymore? 


The next update (v0.2.2) is coming tomorrow!!!!


A surprisingly good visual novel. Nice work.  Hope your affairs are in order and the writing process is smooth.

I think my only complaints are regarding some of the word choice... "going ham" for instance....yes I can tell this was written by a zoomer. You could of used going wild, crazy, all out, I dunno, the english lexicon is huge, instances where you use very modern grammar is just... it takes me out of the world and reminds me this is a furry novel....

Ah well, could be worse, you didn't have a character saying lol at least...


by "it's very gay", does that include female x female action


So far as it is right now, the answer seems to be: Nope.



When are we going to see a update. I really like this novel


someone needs to do a Temptations Ballad version of the Jujutsu Kaisen ED Lost In Paradise

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and the characters will be like;

Yuji: Cole

Fushiguro: Sidd

Nobara: Artemi

Gojo: Hamish or Marrow

I think it will turn out so good


who knew a furry visual novel gave good life lessons


we need more recognition for furry visual novels

I'm sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but is the game dead/hiatus? I thought I saw that Repeat was but id


I'd say look at their twitter. Repeat is being revamped so theyre focusing on it for now

I feel like a few characters need rework like side otherwise amazing game.

(2 edits) (+2)

hmmmmmmm, im pretty sure i heard artemi and cole's themes before. some chinese and japanese songs respectively if im not wrong. im SUPER curious as how shirokoi got the rights to use them. And also i wanna know WHERE those specific versions of the songs came from, i  REALLY want to download them to my phone's music list, they soound soooooo good!


 "you don't need the rights if no one knows" jk ;)

but seriously tho, I’m super curious as to how shirokoi got the rights, if he did. STILL cant find the original songs, I KNOW I heard them somewhere. And I really want to know where those versions used in the game came from


Loved it By the way Is this A cancelled Project its been a long time since updated It'll a bit sad if this was cancelled.

their focus is on repeat right now, but the update will likely come soon

It's been two years since the last update. Where are you getting this info? 

look at their twitter

I think hes doing reworks for some / most of the characters, so its taking a bit longer than normal. But hes been working on it more or less since the last update for this game.


I never get so worked up in a visual novel (furry ones, at least) before. This is just a pure masterpiece. Sure, the story is linear with little nsfw scenes, but it's nothing compared to the amazingly written story! The jokes are right on spot and all those emotional build ups are heavenly, not to mention the characters' character developments as well. This is obviously placed on my all time favorite vn list!

(Kinda hoping this would someday be adapted into a full-length animated series too tbh, it's just that good)


i just finished and WOW this was AMAZING i was totally immersed in the story and the characters are just the best. i got super emotionally involved in this and there were definitely moment where i sobbed my heart out 5 stars 10/10 def up there on my favorite vns.

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it downloads but no icon on my home screen and doesn't open please help


artemi is so precious i'm obsessed


I just binged this over the course of a few days. The characters are all so loveable in their own ways, and the bird mom had me laughing many times. This is a great story, I look forward to more in the future. 


same. Man i can't wait. the characters are really awesome. and I look forward for more bird mom scene and more Hamish scene


The fact the demon snake almost died to a Twink 


Every time I get to that part I instantly think of Samuel L. Jackson saying "get that mf"


I just finished chapter 3 and that was an absolute masterpiece! I can't wait to see what's in store for our adventurers. Good things hopefully.

Does anybody know when the next update is getting an public release?

likely within the month


Don't change her one bit she is perfect the way she is

Deleted 2 years ago

She's grown too powerful. I can't change birb mom even if I want to.


Oh boy, the looks I got for my laughter at that scene.... no regrets, she's fantastic.


me running from my responsibilities like

(1 edit) (+5)

Sidd cute :3



when is the next update coming

Deleted 2 years ago

10 months?

Deleted 2 years ago

Such a supportive father. But I love the bird-mom best.


Unfuckingbelievable.  gobsmacked mate, cannot believe just how damned good this is.  Shirokoi, you are amazing!














Things are no longer nice. Get off my lawn >:U




"Okay grandpa". Get the reference? 😂😂😂

What date you release the next update I'm so excited


Hey I was wondering how long usually does it take to release the build?


usually two months, but it will likely take longer due to them working on their other projec

What other project?


(1 edit) (+3)

I'm aware of repeat. Glad it's not a third one.

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