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Hey, man, I was wondering if the work is back up to date? I have only recently come across this work and have finished the second chapter. It was really good, but I was disappointed to see it down to the last chapter. I really love it and would love to see it updated. Anyway, thank you for letting me read such a beautiful story.

Sorry, English is not my native language, I hope the translator did not misinterpret my meaning.

I think that the developer just finished the first route on their other game, "Repeat" ( I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend playing it!), and I think they have shift their focus over to this game for the time being! (not 100% sure tho)


The existing NSFW scenes in the game would have animation

(1 edit) (+1)

I just happened to check back on this today and we're SO back omg 

Hmm, something seems wrong here-


Ah sorry, this is a known bug that has been fixed in the next build on Patreon qwq

It's alive..... ITS FU***** ALIVE!!!!!!!!

please help contribute to the fanwiki


Thank you for an update


One of my favorite VNs. Calling it an underrated gem might be inaccurate, since it's pretty high on the top-rated page-- but it deserves so much more attention than it has. Great action-comedy. Puts you off guard, then hits you with seriously well-constructed emotional beats. I recommend this to everyone I know, and anxiously await its return.

Alright I got a small request, since the app is unstable on my phone, I decided to run it on the JoiPay app (it worked) but to hide the text, I gotta use the small wheel, which is the only button that's not available on the gamepad settings 💀 is it possible to add a lil hide button in there? Clicking on the left side could unhide it too

Is there a button to hide the text?


You just need to press that scroll wheel


This feature has been added in the latest update! 

Wooo!! Thank you

(1 edit) (+1)

In DnD terms what level is everyone

Artemi can upcast dispell magic to level 4 

Cole i think the highest spell he casted was a level 2

Sidd idk how to rate a fighter class level in DnD


Sidd is probably level 10+
That guy can beat anyone's ass to a pulp, he just needs more confidence in himself.


Can't wait to see more lore about that guy who looks like him (forgot his name ^^'). I think he might be his biological father.

the who???? did i miss an entire scene on my playthrough

Pfft! Well, it's just the orca guy remembering him after fighting Sidd in the arena. (if I remember correctly, since it's been about a year since I played it)

ohh HIM

(1 edit) (+2)


It's his biological mother that shirokoi drew too masculine.


i thought it was his mom just i did not remeber

Well shit... Thanks for clarifying. I'm too gay to see boobs


I didn't notice anything myself. Just saw Shirokoi mentioning it.


I was tasked with drawing a hot woman and I think I succeeded 👍 


You did not disappoint some of us lol you confused us with the orca flash back thinking it was the father of sidd that fought the same orca before sidd did


Well that was the general idea I was going for (except Mels is a woman lol) so I consider it a decent success.


In a way, yes, very much. We cannot complain, heh.
Also, can't wait to build a harem and taste every cake *perverted gay laughter*


if you mean the flashback with the orca pirate guy, that was actually his mother

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm not an expert in DnD, but I doubt he would be level 10. He just started being an adventurer and has no weapon training. If anything, he is probably level 1 by default


I'm still replaying this, it's really fun


still honestly floored by Hamish's fight scene against Zelos, my god dad #2 is such a badass.

(1 edit) (+4)

Finally took the time to read the visual novel from chapters 1 to 3. Looking forward to any future updates.

Overall, it's a very wonderful fantasy story. Interesting fantasy worldbuilding. Tender, occasionally sobering, often funny, and... optimistic.

The main trio are sympathetic and unique in their own ways, but they really shine when they bounce off each other and the colorful supporting cast. I find the character dynamics to be very compelling and well-written. Plenty of humor on the side, such as the 'reading it for the plot' gag, Sidd's harem, plus everything to do with Sidd's mom having a super hardcore renegade bard past (and present). Plus the pompous Carter guy who swiftly got beat up by Cole, Artemi and Sidd's mother (I hope he sticks around as a comic side character on the side. Can't say I wish the same for the street urchin, all things considered. That kid's long overdue for some slapstick.)

Cole's archetype (charming, flirty bard guy who is super casual about physical intimacy because he's just as equally against anything to do emotional stuff, much like his dads in that regard) isn't exactly new compared to certain prominent characters from to Critical Role / Vox Machina or Helluva Boss... but I really like Cole's role in the story because his best moments come from bouncing off of Sidd and Artemi. Didn't find Vox Machina or Helluva Boss to be super compelling in that regard (with B x S being 80% horny and 20% drama), but I like how it was used in Temptation's Ballad. Sidd's earnest nature was enough to nudge Cole into stepping in the role of a responsible leader and mentor (I doubt that Cole would have stopped to help just anyone read using bardic imagery), and Artemi was... the first person, narratively wise, who firmly shoved Cole into taking the additional steps of that better path when she yelled at him and threatened to punch him for wanting to abandon Sidd in chapter 1. Considering all of the baggage Cole had regarding his fathers and himself (given that one of them was the fun dad so the other had to be the nagging house-dad), Artemi really broke through his inward-facing melancholy in a way that nobody else did before then.

Sidd is a relatable character with understandable fears and struggles that come from a humble mind with a humble upbringing. It could be said that he has... slightly less baggage than the rest of the team, but that doesn't mean his feelings are any less important. He's already come a long way, mentally and emotionally, over the course of the three chapters, and it was becuase fate put him on a crash course with two unlikely non-frog friends. He found the will and the resolve to harness the physical strength he already had to begin with, he's made a great number of friends and acquaintances, and he's also acted as a stabilizing positive influence for Cole and Artemi.

And... I really like Artemi. Noble crusader with a huge dorky side... I'm fairly certain it's been done often enough, but I haven't seen a crusader who really stuck out in the sea of fantasy literature. Not since Lalatina Ford Dustiness, and she's mostly a designated gag character. Artemi's very passionate about chivalry and duty... and is thus the source of countless gags where her sheltered worldview clashes with everyone she meets and everything she witnesses. Especially the adults only library section. And as much as Cole pushes Artemi out of her comfort zone, she was very quick to start pushing back in funny ways once she got to know him better. Through Cole and Sidd and their families, Artemi gained a very strong and supportive network to lean on, and I wish her the best with her personal journey.




TB is currently being worked on! There's been a few small QOL updates on the Patreon that include a UI overhaul, gallery menu, and some other small tidbits. They will be available to the public in about a month or so!

THANK YOU. THANK YOUUUU! (I honestly even forgot the plot of the entire game, I just know Sidd is really cute and he should get a boyfriend)

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