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Eyyyy tysm shiro, I've been waiting for this update


where should i begin.

 this game is so much fun and when it comes to character development or story-writing, the author made a stunning work. The art and the music made such an enjoyable ambiance. i had a few giggles and of course i shed a few tears. I really love what came out from this game, i just can't wait for the release of the whole game.

hoiw do we go about launching the game? im using winzip and it tells me it can't execute the launch command saying something about it missing. any suggestions?

if you havent fixed it yet, try right clicking and run as admin, or run in japanese


Damn, another fun game to enjoy while I wait for Owen's story to be updated. Oh, and I'll never forgive you if you work yourself to death trying to meet the update demands or your more impatient fans.

The next update will be Owen's?

Heard there was a Samuel scene as well but dunno where.. yet.

I don't know who's being updated. I just mentioned Owen's name because I'm mostly invested in his story. Sissel is the second one I want to see finished and finally Phillip. 


Sissel's route is almost done, Owen's route is about a third done, I think? Aaaand Phillip's... route does not have a day 10 yet due to reasons I might know.

(1 edit) (+1)

Damnnnn, even if there are no choices (not that I know of since i just finished chapter 1) the story and the game is so damn good, the characters are amazingly written too 

The spells and their effects are very well made too and the music is so good


Im just here to say

Your fursona is kinda hot ngl


Take your time, we can wait, don't overwork yourself.

Deleted 2 years ago

I'm still waiting QwQ


Every time someone asks me where the update is while I'm actively crunching to finish the update drains another year off my already short life ;;;w;;;;;


*Headpats* shhh shhhh It's ok 0w0

I can't blame them this is some good stuff. But that doesn't mean we can keep bothering you, we just need to be patient.😃😃😃


Shhhhhhh take a rest if needed we'll wait even if it takes a month or two


You  really are Phillip..

Not really good with this emotional support stuff (or whatever) but *thumbs up* good luck..?



So he said by the end of last week im not trying to rush him im just curious for the development and how much more we will wait for more


First VN I've enjoyed so far I can't wait for the update, When is the update btw o3o

(1 edit) (+1)

probably around the 30th

edit: nvm, the creator said it would hopefully be near the end of the week


I'll wait OwO, Thanks btw


I can't seem to get to the final battle between evreyone and the cloaked figure.  Is this part of Temptations Ballad an update bc I downloaded this on my pc and there are final battle scene images.


Those are for update 0.2.1 which is not available for the public yet. Please don't sift through the game files if you don't want to spoil the game for yourself.

Thnks for letting me know. Your games are amazing!!

Thnks for letting me know. Your games are amazing!!

Well now you know where they are :v


I hope you're having a good NaNoWriMo Shirokoi!!! 😎😎😎😃😃😃


This in one of my favs, it got a lot of things right. However, I noticed that the game tries way too hard to be wholesome in almost every scenario that it just comes across as unrealistic, nobody is going to be giving life advice and be super duper supportive to someone they've just met 5 minutes ago, everyone is extremely positive almost all the time it actually gets tiring to read.

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Speak for yourself. i find it  Fine as it is.
The main purpose of such a story is  to entertain the Reader so they get enjoyment out of the experience. And i dare say that the Wholesomenis IS what draws most readers into this world. 

And since most of the advices come from parents that give them to friends of ther sons, i find that part fitting as well.


Nah he's got a point. The wholesome speeches were kinda my way to establish the parental figures as supportive pillars to the main characters, but lately I kinda inadvertently spread it to a lot of the other characters as well. I'll keep an eye on this in future updates ;w;/ 


Alright then. keep up the good work then.
Just for the Records, i loved all the characters so far :)

Deleted 2 years ago

after reading a different VN that really twists the knife in I could use some more of your character's wholesome speeches though! X3

Great work thank you for sharing!


When is the update for public coming out?


if it is like most times, i would guess in about 2 weeks, give or take a few days.


Sorry! My work schedule has been a bit of a chaotic mess lately. I only have a few more sprite and a bit of coding to finish. I'm aiming for a release by the end of this week! ;w;/

(1 edit) (+7)

Am i the only one who ship Cole & Sidd together thinking Artemi will end up lesbian in spite of Sidd and Clyde training ? T.T

Edit: After all of this, yes i think so x')


I'm shipping Cole and Clyde.


Yeah me too~ 😎😎😎


Maybe the love triangle of which artemi spoke was Sidd, Cole, and Clyde

(1 edit) (+3)

Sidd already has a harem. Let poor Cole reconciliate with Clyde.


Okay, I really don't like VN's, but this, this has no doubt become one of, if not the favorite things I've ever seen. It's spectacular. I really wish I could support but College is expensive ;-;


Aay no worries, it's heartwarming to hear that you enjoy my work! Thank you for the kind words <3


OMG! I played the whole demo! It took me a while to read it but I finished it! It was very good!!! AND YOU LEFT ME IN A CLIFFHANGER!!!

That out of the way... I like how the characters are well developed and very diverse in personality. I like how you try other different species for your story like badgers, orcas, crocodiles, peacocks and other birds than the usuals. I look forward to your story in the future and same for Repeat. 


Anyone know when the next update is?


That Hyena is sneaky one

Alguien conoce alguna novela en español es que tener que traducir le quita su esencia alas novelas visuales y aparte mi ingles no es muy fluido :(

Esta "Labios Salvajes" y "Starville". Puede de haber mas en el futuro pero por ahora hay estos dos.


gracias eres mi heroe sin capa


I was so tempted on whether or not I wanted to read this at first, since I knew absolutely nothing about D&D... Well now I'm hooked, and have changed my last name to Shrikewood (in honor of my favorite boi)! Keep up the incredible work Shirokoi! 


If anyone is debating whether or not to read this, please do. All I can say are I hope this gets the success it deserves and I really wish I found it sooner. 


God I wanna learn the main theme

Love the VN aswell

Ikr? The amount of times I've just had the vn on just to have the main theme play is unreal


It came from a pop song by Jacky Cheung ;) (每天愛你多一些)

Piano cover here: 每天愛你多一些, 張學友 Jacky Cheung Hok Yau (鋼琴教學) Synthesia 琴譜 Sheet Music - YouTube

Sheet here: 每天愛你多一些, 張學友 Jacky Ch (



Hey guys, check out my cat who looks like Malus :)


so cute omg 😭


isn't malus inside cole's undies cute :3

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I cannot wait to see what other spells Cole will learn as time goes on

I personally feel like he is gonna pick up Dissonant Whispers, Phantasmal Force, and eventually Synaptic static cause control spells are funny, or even pick up counterspell once he gets the Bard Patented "Magical Secrets", but I have no true idea really. I just feel those fit his trickster and plan foiling personality (aside from all the illusion spells that he will get access to alongside the 100% completely going to be learned by him Suggestion spell)


Not joking about Phantasmal Force and Dissonant Whispers though; getting people to hear unsettling whispers; take psychic damage, and force them to run the fuck away alongside getting people to hallucinate something they perceive and will rationalize as real to the point of it being able to harm them seem 100% up his alley, now it just takes him being in a mental state or environment where he could learn them cause they are both spells he is of a level to cast.


Where are the magic spells inspired from?

(3 edits) (+4)

All of these spells are in D&D 5e; which is where Temptation's Ballad gets its spells from as well

You can find Counterspell in the Player's Handbook, Phantasmal Force in the Player's Handbook, Dissonant Whispers in the Player's Handbook, and Synaptic Static in Xanathar's Guide to Everything, but what each of these spells do in D&D 5e can also be found in 5e spell list apps and sites.

Counterspell, Phantasmal Force, and Dissonant Whispers are all spells that came from older editions and were just updated for D&D 5e. Counterspell allows a caster to snuff out a spell as it is being cast but Bards do not naturally learn it unless it is one of their Magical Secrets (a trick only bards get that lets them learn any spell in existence regardless of class, species, age, etc; it lets them ignore any and every requirement for learning a spell outside of needing to be a high enough level of caster to cast it i.e.: a 9th level spell such as wish requires a Bard to be able to cast 9th level spells for their magical secrets to let them learn it, EDIT: I forgot to mention the first time around but Bards get 6 spells through their magical secrets with one specialization (Lore Bard) getting 2 additional Magical secrets much earlier on than any other bard specialization for a total of 8 if a Bard goes down that one specific path), Phantasmal Force creates a Phantasm that the target perceives and will believe is real that can interact with them but only they can see it (really versatile and whack spell that is as effective as the caster is clever), and Dissonant Whispers via methods of fear, compulsion, or the like psychically damages the target and forces them to run away from the caster as far as they can without doing something like falling into a pit (knowingly; it can force them to fall into a hidden pit); casters can use this for many things but Bards will usually do it to buy distance from a target to flee or reposition, or to open a target up to attacks of opportunity from their allies since nobody is immune to the effect even if they are immune to psychic damage, but again the more clever the caster the more busted it is. Kinda how it is for like all of the Bard's kit; perfect at support and perfect at manipulation and control, though Shirokoi can adjust everything to whatever extents he wishes cause ultimately it is his world, game, and story; it just uses the D&D ruleset (which the 5E rulebooks themselves say can be tweaked and broken  in any way the DM wishes, and in Temptation's Ballad, Shirokoi is the DM).

Synaptic Static is Fireball if Fireball did psychic damage (hurt your psyche and mind to the point of actually damaging you), and then just makes the person worse at everything for a minute without requiring concentration, but it also notably (and directly) states that it also penalizes concentration checks for those who fall under its effects; so it is a pretty strong anti-caster spell. It penalizes everything by muddling the thoughts of its targets, and if I was to say anything inspired it I would say it was some designer somewhere saying "What if we took fireball, made it do Psychic damage which almost nothing resists, made it require a target overcoming its effects with sheer intellect (which is the usual stat for any character to have suck), and then make it so everyone who fails to overcome it just gets worse at everything for a bit".

If you meant the inspiration behind saying these spells fit Cole though; Counterspell is the perfect anti-caster spell and since it is an instant reaction spell it would still be easy enough for him to cast it in a subtle enough to hide way like he does prestidigitation, be it a specific strum of the lute or the like, but really cause even though every bard is recommended to take it in actual D&D as a magical secret (because only two specific kinds of specialized casters are better at it than bards are for reasons that can be looked up for anyone who is curious, one of them being a specific kind of wizard subclass/specialization (abjuration) and the other (and best one) being the lore subclass/specialization of Bard, and other than those two specific specializations every caster will be worse at it than a Bard) Cole notably enjoys f@qing with and toying with people, and the easiest way for Cole to deny any Noble wizard from accomplishing anything would just be to Nope their magic away. Of course Bards have to get pretty strong before Magical Secrets (outside of Lore Bards who get it really early at 6th level out of 20 levels and then get a bunch of them later), all but one kind of Bard needing to reach 10th level (again out of 20 levels) to get access to their first few magical secrets, so Cole probably wont be playing around with that until he starts to actually accept his spellcasting more openly (unless he ends up becoming a Lore Bard, but I don't even know if he has specialized yet and I don't think his abilities would go lore over options like Eloquence (the manipulative and charismatic bard) or the like for early secrets, no idea though).

Dissonant Whispers is a "Get-out-of-Melee-Range-Jail-Free" spell and when mixed with his illusions and usual habits of playing tricks could come in a lot of handy; such as when someone is trying to grab him and he prefers not to get strangled or mauled at that current moment, or when he wants to force someone to set off a hidden trap; run into the "loving arms" of an angry monster, cower back into the arms of someone else to humiliate them, the possibilities are endless depending on the scenario and setup.

Phantasmal Force lets him F@q with someone's head; since they will believe it as real, it makes all sounds and noises, and even though they will pass through it (such as falling through a Phantasmal Bridge) if they try to touch it; they will still believe it was real no matter how they have to rationalize it. Ya want someone to appear mad in broad daylight? Phantasmal force since only the target can see it, and if it stabs them or does anything to them it will be real enough to them that they will still take damage. Ya want someone to attack a friend? Phantasm yourself over them; they will believe the lies it speaks as it stands in the same place as their friend; the fact that they overlap makes rationalizing the person having been disguised as their friend easy. Hell; making a specific person see a second Cole or second Sidd on its own could really mess with a target; since they will believe the Phantasm is real, and since the Phantasm can be anything that can fit within the space of a 10foot by 10foot cube be it living or inanimate; it can do or be about anything Cole can imagine. 2nd level spell too (counterspell is 3rd, dissonant whispers is 1st level, Synaptic static is 5th level) so Cole is probably just about to hit the threshold where he can learn it (Bards like all Full Casters get 2nd Level spells when they hit 3rd level in their class; 3rd level is also where Bards Specialize so Cole if he is a low level Bard (which would make sense) may be unable to hit that threshold until he is ready to be real with Marrow about his casting, or he is just about to hit that point, or he is going to have to train with Sidd's mom more, but he also could already be past that point, time will tell and I can only remember Cole casting 1st level spells and 0th-level/Cantrips up to this point (I forget if he has cast suggestion or not but I can 100% guarantee without any doubt he will be slinging that spell around the moment he has it and it is a 2nd level spell which he gets access to as soon as he is a 3rd level bard), but Disguise Self is 1st Level which Bards can cast those at start, Charm person is 1st level, Prestidigitation is a Cantrip/0th level. all spellcasters can cast level 1 and 0 spells upon the manifestation of their magical abilities, just they can only cast level 1 spells 2 times per long rest as a level 1 caster and 3 times as a level 2 caster and level 0 spells are always infinite, that and Cole casting Disguise Self twice in a row and getting super drained by it also implies he would be either a 1st level Bard and that is the full extent of his casting without a rest or that he is a 2nd level Bard and only has another Charm Person or Disguise Self in his tank before he is stuck with Mage Hand and Prestidigitation, but even then if he was a 2nd level Bard he would probably be learning another spell soon. Sorry; I am a colossal nerd, and once again; Shirokoi gets to write and work with it all however he wants and that would genuinely still be rules as written D&D 5e since it again states that the final say on every rule and everything is the DM's and they can rewrite any rule they wish.

Synaptic static is cause getting a large group of people to suddenly become worse at everything seems up Cole's alley, but also cause I want to see a much stronger Cole hit Calder with it and ruin his entire career again later in the story.

Sorry about the huge walls of text. I just wanted to Geek out a little and speculate a little; thank you for your time!


Damn thanks and thanks for the effort you made to answer my question lmao


My pleasure


Loving it! That Calder... Still can't not feel a little sorry for him despite all the rage earlier. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Loving it so far. Is there a discord server?

Show post...

Yes there is one but only for patrons. If you are a patron please contact Shirokoi directly to get the invite.

However, if you aren't a worries. You can join this discord server instead

Shiro is in there and a bunch of other VN Creators & Artist too! Its totally A FVN Central!


The way Knight Commander Grant whispers on Cole's seductively was so effective, it gave me 2nd hand arousal. XD


Man the writing is not lazy. There is real character progression and personality. There arent any deus ex machina, everything snaps into place (so far). The jokes arent flat. The music really goes well with the fighting scenes. The art is great. The pacing is right, keep up the good work.  

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Can anyone help me? The version of this game in my phone is 1.7. I'm using android. I've tried to install the 2.0 ver but its not installing at all. Does the data for 1.7 saves in 2.0??? if so, can anyone give me on how to do it?

You will have to find the folder located in Android/data. Copy the saves somewhere safe. Then uninstall 1.7. Then install 2.0. Then move the saves into the folder located in Android/data. Not sure of the exact name of the folder.

(1 edit) (+4)

By far the funniest update ever, with the Orca having a dirty mind and Sidd's Mom I couldn't stop laughing. This guy's story building is amazing and I'll always be a reader of their work. This needs to become animated series


Wow, again i love these update. Good for Sidd.
Also his Mother is very scary,

Thought that Cliffhanger is makes for a very hard waiting time for the next update.


So cursed yet so beautiful 😂


That cliffhanger..............




Android version update will not install. Fail to install error on all attempts. No past issues with updates. Could this one have a glitch?


Uninstall then renstall, u'll lose your progress put that's nothing a little skipping can't fix


Not what I was hoping to have to do.  That is a work-around, but not an acceptable one. 

I think it's a website thing because I had to do that with a couple of VN's. 😥😥😥


Why is too short update :(

I hope the next update is the longer

Thanks again (•̀ᴗ•́)و

what update are you playin ? the 2.0 or 2.1

Which update is shorter and which one is longer?


The last update is the longer then the newer

is the shorter


I’m getting an error saying that the app is not installed?


I reinstalled the game, it worked, even tho i lost my progress


use an auto clicker to skip through the parts you already know


I’m on mobile, so I just skipped the unseen text until I got back on track


....I'll leave this here, bye.

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